Sunday 2 November 2008

the long wait...

So I haven't actually blogged in a long time. And I'm pretty bored right now, so I thought I'd keep myself occupied by doing this and keeping people updated on what I'm up to.

Last night was Derby day over here in Melbourne. If you guys don't know what it is ... horse racing. My friend and I, along with her friend Trung were meeting up and Crown to go watch Saw 5.

Forgetting it was Derby day and the amount of traffic, I decided to leave at around 8:40pm. (Mind you, Saw 5 was starting at 9:40...) Crown Casino was so busy. There was a massive cue for the parking lot, turns out, I had to drive all away around to the other side because the side that I was waiting for was closed. Great... I got there at around 9:25pm, and was waiting in the cue and finding a parking for 35 minutes. My foot hurt (bloody stick shift driver...) But yeah, ended up getting into the cinema at around 10pm, 20 minutes late, but that would include around 10 minutes of movie previews, so basically I only missed out on 10 minutes of the movie. By the time we sat down and all, nobody had been killed yet.

The movie was alright. I thought it would be a lot better. I guess nothing will beat Saw 1 & 2.

Anyway, the long wait has finally settled in.

I have finished my last exam. I had that on Friday. Mind you, it was pretty hard ... But it's the long dreaded wait I'm scared of, and if I failed anything.
We've been so busy getting a grad year prepared and everything, (I got into Maroondah Hospital, Ringwood East ... Wooo East Side...) and then finding out that I failed something would be absolutely devestating. I have a feeing that I'll be safe though. The family and child health was pretty alright. So hopefully I got enough to pass and Transcultural Nursing, hopefully I passed that one too.

I know I already passed Oncology. I got my results for that already. And my Clinical rotation. It's just my other 3 subjects, which is Transcultural Nursing, Family & Child Health and Professional Studies 2. Proff. Studies was a bitch. That thesis we had to write. URGH. Don't even get me started on that piece of shit. Seriously. I don't think I've ever stressed out over a paper EVER.

I just hope I pass so I can actually graduate. I hate being the black sheep of the family if I don't pass. :( Fuck, that would suck so bad. After all that hard work in trying to organise everything for Graduation, only to cancel it and shit. *sigh*

Anyway, I don't actually know what else to say because nothing much has been happening ... or has it? I'll probably update this when I think of other stuff that I've been doing. I just thought of something about eating at Taco Bill, but that will be for next time. This headache is driving me mad.

Friday 10 October 2008


someone tell me to stop.

i can't help it. :(
Anyway, what's new in October? NOTHING!
A few things are happening thing month though.

  • Exams / Assignments
  • Graduate year results.
  • Graduation.

Should be fun fun fun.

I have a couple of parties to hit up tomorrow. My cousins 21st and then Soulclap anniversary. WOO! Should be a blast!

Anyway, thats all for now. I'm waaaay too lazy.

Tuesday 30 September 2008

13 weeks til Christmas.

My gawd, how this year has flown past. Usually just before the new year kicks in, I tend to sit down and reflect on the past year. My acheivements, losses, memorable days and days I wished never happened. At the same time, I'm a year older, a year wiser, more excited that my life is molding into how I want it to be.
There's still so many things I plan on doing before "settling" down. Doubt I would. Ha. I want to learn as much as I can, although they say we never stop learning. I'd still like to learn and see everything in this world before it's my time to go (hopefully not soon *knock on wood*)

So in other news. My vegetarianism, has given me problems off and on. Well, pesca-vegetarian, if we must say. On good days, I'm fine and I can continue on with my day normally. On other days, I can't find the energy to get up. I get tired really early and I can't concentrate properly. Urgh. I use to get very sick when I was a full vegetarian. One dietician actually told me to try pesca-vegetarianism, which only included eating fish and no other meat. Took a while to actually convince me to try it, but I did. Only because Omega 3 pills were completely useless to me and had little or no great effect what-so-ever. So fish, has been ... hmm, ok. On ocassion, I can still feel myself growing very tired, very early. It never use to bother me, but now, it slightly is.
I can't afford to start feeling like this when exams and assignments are due so soon. Urgh, oh well. I will pull through.

So today, nothing much planned. Uni. Boring, but that's basically it. I should really start with assignments. Well, my final paper should be on the top of my priority list, but I've been slacking off way too much in my final semester of my final university year. I don't think I can afford to do that right? Right.
A change of plans have occured and I will be cleaning my room first (spring cleaning), since I can't really start studying and concentrating, knowing that my room is a pigsty. I would do it after this blog, but I plan on early studying. Oh my. Screw the cleaning, that can wait. (Yes, I'm slowly finding the motivation to start studying instead of last minute studying!) I'm planning a month ahead I guess, when I know I should of planned a while back, but I've given myself plenty of time to indulge myself in my oh so entertaining unversity books. Gag.

So, I'm off to make myself another cup of tea and study away.

Happy 21st Natalie. My gorgeous cousin is all grown up! Seems like only yesterday we were only little kids running around like crazy people and playing with barbies.

Happy Two Weeks. :) xoxoxoxo

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Uni is a whore.

Eek, so I'm awake at 8 (yer yer, 8:22AM, shut up). I fell asleep pretty early. Maybe all that "cleaning" I was doing yesterday really wore me out. Hah. And I'm not even finished. Maybe I'm like half way there. I don't know.

So, I only have 2 more assignments that I need to do:
  • Oncology and Palliative Care Nursing (Thursday)
  • Professional Studies 2, Assignment 2

Go me. So not motivated at all. The weather is stupid. Won't make up it's damn mind about being a shitty or good day. Right now, it's borderline. The suns out, but it will go in about 10 seconds. *waits 10 seconds*. Nope, still here, but it will go.

Apart from that, I have the sniffles. But I guess they're getting better.

I still see small penis around in the city. That's not fun at all. I hate seeing ex's around. I haven't seen any of the ex's around, except for him and his small dick. *nods* It's retarded. Too much drama with him. So over it.

Anyway, this is short and sweet. I haven't updated for yonkers. But it shall get better I hope. Hah. Meh. Whatevz.

Happy One Week. =)

Hope you all had a good weekend and all that bullshiz. Ciao ciao.

Thursday 4 September 2008

41 days.

So, yesterday marked 40 days of my grandfathers death. Apparently, this plays a really big part in the Filipino community. The scariest thing my friend D said was that on the 40th day of death, the spirit of the person that died, actually comes back (a ghost) and wonders around. She was telling me, that her grandfather was walking around the streets in the Philippines on his 40th day of death and that her mother and her brother both heard his footsteps walking up the stairs.

It actually made me think. If grandpa was to come back on the 40th day of death, what would I hear? Then I was thinking of funny things that he use to do. Dragging his slippers on the floor when he walked, talking a leak outside in the wee early hours of the morning, his dentures clicking together everytime he chewed his food? Those were the days. And I'll miss them.
- But all in all. I didn't hear anything. I fell asleep straight away when I got home (which was like past 12 or something. I can't remember). My cousins Natalie, John and I were watching Sister Act, but we started getting super tired and decided to head home. I also got my computer that Leonard built for me (John's brother).

But yeah, one of the reasons why I decided to write was because of the mass at Johns place. In particular, the boy/man who held the mass, along with his 3 youth workers (all very young teens! 1 boy, 2 girls).
Anyway, funnily enough, the boy/man (young male adult??) who lead the mass, went to Primary School with me. We were in the same year level and he was a close friend of mine back in the days. I was completely taken aback that he decided to change his career path and choose to become a Brother. Don't get me wrong. I'm not against it. I just never pictured him becoming a brother. I think it's awesome that he chose that path. I, being a born and raised Catholic, never really understood the Bible Studies and such. Hopefully, he'll bring me back down and help me understand more.

So yeah, I spoke to the 2 youth girls, Rachel and Nathalie. The boy was pretty quiet. Had no clue who he was. Hah. Nathalie was the biggest crack up with her random question "Is Latin a language?". And she wants to be a nun? It was funny, but yeah, they got my number (no, I'm not like that). They got my number to tell me to go to their youth group ... in DEER PARK!? I kinda had to double think it through because Deer Park is a fair way from where I am. And considering that I have to work on the Sundays and their youth is every 1st and 4th Sunday of the month at 1 - 4pm. I don't think I would be able to go, since I usually finish work at around 1pm. It would take me like 45 minutes or more to get there, and with petrol prices still a bit retarded, I still don't know. I might join the youths in my area, well since the church is like a 15 minute walk from my house.

But yeah, other than that. Assignments are stupid and I hate them. So, things that I need to get ontop of:
  1. Family and Child Health (Paedieatric Nursing) Assignment. (September 9)
  2. Transcultural (Cultural Diveristy) Assignment. (September 12)
  3. Oncology and Palliative Care Assignment. (September 25)
  4. Professional Studies 2 Assignment 2.
  5. Apply for Graduation.

Gah, so many things to do and I can't find the motivation to do it. But now, I have to force myself to. Before it's too late and I find I'm staying up at night doing it.

Sunday 31 August 2008

For You.

So, yeah this is for someone. I think they know who they are. Bwahaha. Well, because I told them? =/

If I could have just one wish,I would wish to wake up everydayto the sound of your breath on my neck,the warmth of your lips on my cheek,the touch of your fingers on my skin,and the feel of your heart beating with mine...Knowing that I could never find that feelingwith anyone other than you.
- Courtney Kuchta -

A Wish
I lie on the ground,and stare into space,the stars start to move,into the shape of your face.
I see you there now,looking down at me,with that cute little smile,that I like to see.
You say "close your eyes","tell me what you see",I see only two people,just you and me.
We're walking the shoreline,with our feet getting wet,the horizon turns pink,as the sun starts to set.
We make love through the night,on that white sandy shore,then I hold you while thinking,I could want nothing more.
Oh I wish I could be,in that one special place,as I lie on the ground,and I stare into space...
- Randy Schutte -

Tuesday 26 August 2008

updates are lacking ...

I know, I know.
I've been hiding somewhere. I don't know where. =/

Anyway, this is my final week of my clinical rotation and I'm loving every minute of it. Some guy this morning had a biopsy done and I got to scrub in. He had this massive lump, which we (surgeons, myself and the other scrub nurse) were able to feel outside on his skin. Once the surgeon (who was the most awesomest ... if that's even a word these days CHICK ever!) She cut the man open, and even let me put my hand inside to actually feel the lump. Inside the patient like waaah, it was freaking awesome, saw intestines, twice today.
That was the first surgery, the 2nd, was a resection of the duodeum or something and they pulled the intestines out (not physically), just to look underneath it. It was pretty awesome stuff.

Other than that, it's my grandpa's 1 month anniversary of death. I didn't have time to go to the cemetery, since my clinical rotation time is basically 8am - 5pm. Plus today I had to put one of my spinal patients to bed. I'm so tired right now. I'm just in bed writing an update, since I haven't in a while (like a proper update) and after, I'll do my pharmacology log and stuff for my last appraisal for Thursday.

Funny about clinicals. My clinical teachers name is Andrew. And he knows my cousin, because he's an ICU (Intensive Care Unit) nurse. Funny stuff.

Hmm what else has been happening .. hmm. Friday, Dianne and I went out. Well she invited me out to have dinner with her and her friend Rikki (boy). So she picked me up and we went to Melbourne Central to meet him. Stupidly enough, he was "tipsy" (tipsy = drunk). It wasn't ANY fun at all. It ended up he wanted Dianne to give him a lift to his house. He paid for dinner, which Dianne and I weren't cool about, so we gave him money and shit and he was being a stupid drunk asshole and Dianne cracked the shits and was like "You know what? I'm not fucking taking you home", and pretty much just stormed off. It was pretty awesome, since I've never really seen D crack like that. Whoo hoo!

So yeah, we ended up walking around the city, and some girl gave us a pass to this club and I swear to God, she was Norwegian!! hah
Meh, thhhheeenn, we had a craving for ice cream, but the one at Melbourne Central was closed. We decided to drive to Lygon Street in search for ice cream. Heh.

D called her friend Jerlyn and we went to pick her up, since she lives in the city anyway. She was "babysitting". I put it like that because she was looking after her 16 year old nephew. Haha. So we picked them up and went driving to find ice cream.
We eventually found it and this waiter was Canadian and was suuuuuper cute. Looked a little like Ben Lee. But yeah, he got my order wrong, but we don't blame him. He was new. heh.

Ok, well I'm going to leave it at this because I'm suuuper tired and I still have a lot of things to do.

Oh oh, and belated Happy Birthday to Cathy boo. (I'm sowwie!)

Ciao. xoxoxoxoxo

Thursday 14 August 2008

it's been a while...

Yes, so I know it's been a while since I've last written. Of course mourning the death of my grandpa has hit pretty hard. Especially if you're a very emotional/sensitive person like myself.

So I've been taking it a bit hard, but taking every day as it comes.

Right now, I've just finished the 2nd week of my clinical rotation. I have another 2 weeks left.
Apart from that, I've been doing my assignments, hanging out with friends, working ... etc etc.

That's basically about it as well.

So this is just a very quick note that I'm still around. You're more than welcome to email me and tell me to update haha.

Hope everyone has a good week / weekend!

Saturday 26 July 2008

Mourning the loss of my gandpa.

Short but sweet.

My grandpa Victor passed away this morning (26th July 2008) at 7:30AM.
I might be updating during this week. Just letting you know I'll be busy with uni, applications and of course, mourning with my family.

I love my grandpa very much and it's devastating to see him go. Please keep him in your prayers and that he may rest in peace.

Victor, we love you! Rest In Peace grandpa. =[

Wednesday 23 July 2008

start of uni ... should i be stressed?

so the start of uni is starting this week. i don't know whether i should be stressing out or not.

still finishing off applications and everything.
i finally sent my friend sandra a package i was meaning to send to her like 6 months ago. made me feel pretty good. i've been so behind on catching up with keeping friends overseas. been pretty good with that and on the top of it all lately.

i'm not too sure if i'm sad or excited to start uni. due to the fact that i'll only have uni for another 6 months before i will be working fulltime (hopefully).

this is only a short entry saying that i'm fineeeee and i've just been pretty busy running in and out of the house.

other than that, i've done a little partying. a little this and that.
had my spanish exam on the tuesday. i'm pretty sure i did alright. it was pretty easy, kinda. not too bad.

anyway, i'd better run, clean my room a bit and then prepare for uni tomorrow and then seeing the boy. heh.

Monday 14 July 2008

what a grand day.

First off. I PASSED MY EXAMS!!!!

Well, I still have another exam to go because I applied for Special Consideration as my exam as Clinical rotation clashed. So that exams rescheduled for the 22nd. (WHOO HOO Spanish!)

Anyway, todays just been an extrememly awesome day.
I woke up pretty stressed (7am-ish) because I was scared to look at my exam results (hah), then I ended up falling asleep again and waking up to my alarm clock, but snoozing while the radion was on and ended up waking up at 8:20AM. I then told myself to check my results and I PASSSSSED. Well, it says I failed Spanish, but I haven't sat for it yet until next week. Stupid people.

But I can't believe I past. I've been stressing out thinking that I failed my ass off on my exams.

Ok, so Brenton and I have been dating for 8 days now. It's going pretty smoothly. I met 2 of his friends last night (they're siblings) and they live in what he calls "The Nutbean House". Basically because the people that live there are 2 brothers and a sister and their last name is Nutbean. Hehe. Pretty awesome people though. So they're tre cool.

So I ended up staying over his place for almost 11 hours haha. Had lunch together. (Lebanese pizza) and then for dinner, Brenton made me try this Indian Chicken (Sorry forgot the name, something like Buddy Chicken or something) and IT WAS FREAKIN' AWESOME! I've never actually had a lot of Indian food because I don't really like spicy food. I can't handle it! hah. But this chicken was extremely delicious!

Eeeek. Picking up my NEW CK glasses. Edit this laaaaater!!!

Anyway, so yeah, new CK glasses are totally rad. Been organising the hospitals and everything that I will be applying to and such. I have roughly 3 hospitals in mind. I know I should be applying to places that are new and shit, but I mean, there's only like 2 hospitals here that are close to me and the 3rd one thats close to me, means I have to withdraw from all the other hospitals. If I don't get that hospital than I'm screwed.

So, yeah today, I might be deciding today, and tomorrow, writing the resumes and cover letters.
I want to apply to St. Vincent and Peter Mac. I just hope I dont see Adam at Peter Mac. We kinda of dated ... for not even that long at all. Hah. We didn't kiss or anything. I guess more just hang out to be honest. But meh, who cares if I do see him. It was a while ago. I'm over it.

Anyway, almost 10AM. I should get up and start doing something. Todays weather isnt as good as yesterdays sun. :]

Thursday 10 July 2008

i don't understand some people.

For a person that is pretty sensitive and emotional, some words people can say to you can be pretty damn hurtful, especially when you haven't done anything wrong to them. Better yet, you don't even know them.

I guess, we'll always have people like that in the world. we all have feelings. If you don't like something. keep it to yourself.

See, it was my 22nd birthday. My friends organised a party for me because usually every year I don't do anything.
Even for my 21st. It's suppose to be the biggest, since you're now considered an adult... what was i doing? nothing. i was still on clinical rotation over in my psych placement on my 21st. i came home to nothing made. no special food to celebrate my day. nothing. even better, nobody was home to say "happy 21st" to me. my birthday has pretty much been like that probably since i was 16-17.

now, for 22. i get lashed out as being "miserable" because they took it as I had the best night ever because i was drunk.

yeah, lash out at me again over this entry, but i sure need to vent out how pissed off and upset i am.

and this person wrote to me before asking what god meant to me and i never replied.
for a person thats been through a lot in her life, you develop mixed feelings about everything, even your own religion where you thought God wasn't there for you. even now, i'm trying to sort my troubled self out and trying to find God in my life. Troubled doesn't mean i'm screaming at everyone, telling them to " 'Eff off". I'm not like that. When I need time to myself, I just withdraw.

I'm a pretty strong believer of Karma. I don't like drama. I avoid it when I can (hence why when this person wrote back to me, i left it). But I did report it. I don't stand for people talking down to me. Well, sometimes I do. Hah. But this was on a religious site. Where you can report when people give you shit over some little thing you did. I didn't get drunk and vandalised anything. I dind't get drunk and beat someone up. I didn't drink and drive. I was with great friends that took care of me.

So for this person, I did write back saying:
"Excuse me? You don't know me. And you claim I'm miserable because of it? Excuse me if I have a life. Excuse me if was my birthday. Excuse me if I've never known what it felt like to be drunk.It was the best day ever because I was with my closest friends that have been there through thick and thin.Seriously, people like you, I don't like. So get it through your head that it was the best birthday ever because I've finally found friends that won't turn their backs on me. SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "

Urgh, I'm just trying to calm myself down now with some Ben Harper.

Monday 7 July 2008

saturday was the best day ever!

Left: Dianne. Right: Moi. A bit tipsy by now. On our way to the club.

ok, so i haven't updated in 2 weeks i think, but so much to tell you.

saturday was my 22nd birthday party. absolutely killer party. I had it at a club called "Word". It's an event called "SoulClap". Funny thing is, my ex Sebastian was at the club. HAHAHA. Small freaking world! Anyway he ignored me. I ignored him. Plus, I was with another guy. He's called Brenton. We've been talking for a few weeks and we saw each other for the first time on Saturday. Bad timing since I was completely "smooshed" faced. Anyway, he would have probably seen me making out with Brenton anyway! Like full on making out. Haha. But oh well. Good Seb saw because he's an asshole. But loved it when he and his friend were looking at me. hahahaha! Dianne pointed my ex out to me when it was around 11. Haha. We ended up leaving just after 4am or something like that.

So yeah, Brenton came along. Which was really good. I saw him last night as well and I'm seeing him again tonight. He's cooking me dinner. :) And we totally have so much in common, its funny. We laugh at the same random things. Like totally random stuff. We love the same music. He has awesome clothes. Hah. But it's still new. So we'll see how it all goes. :] Hopefully it will last longer than a month!

I don't really remember much on what happened because I was completely wasted, but I do remember I threw up. But everything else is pretty much a blur to me. I mean, I was allowed to get completely off my face for one night in the whole year. It was my 22nd. I'm getting older every year.
So my hangover on the Sunday was a pretty damn bad one as well. I was so sick and I even went to work. Like seriously. By the time I got home, I lay in bed, got up because i thought i was going to throw up, so went to the toilet. Nothing happened. Decided to wash my face and ended up throwing up in the sink. So bad. But I spoke to Brenton online and ended up having a nap while he went to soccer practise. I napped until 6pm and woke up to have a shower. I was feeling way better than before, but I still had a bit of a headache. I picked Brenton up from his friends place and went back to mine. We didn't do anything, for all you people thinking dirty lol. We ended up watching National Geographic on some ships that have sunk. Like Titanic and the Andrea Dora, then we decided it was too late so I took him home because he was being a sleepy head. Heh. But totally cute.
So today, I woke up and felt sooooooooo much better. Ended up sleeping once I got home from dropping Brenton off. So around 1am and woke up at 9:30. Heh. I had work, which was still good. I got some free clothing out of it from my clients wife. Haha. Really really cool vintage looking skirt from Italy and jeans that I might give to my mum. I tend to wear skinny jeans and they look like they're straight leg.

Anyway, other news. My poppa is in the hospital (again) :[ But last time he was in hospital (Northern ... where I had my clinical placement), he was only in MAPU. Which is kinda like short stay. Now, he's in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). =[ which is pretty sad because he's been unwell for a while now. and my aunts with him in hospital, which is good because she's a nurse.

i just hope pop doesnt die anytime soon. my cousin liza is over in america having a holiday with her boyfriend. wouldnt want that to be ruined with them having to come home early. i hope he can make it til christmas. it would be grand if he did. i love my pops.

Anyway, I think this should stop now. I'm feeling a bit tired, but I can't nap because I have an appointment with the optometrist in around an hour to get myself new glasses. About time too. My pair has been through a lot in 4 years ahah. It's actually pretty uneven as well.

Oh well. Maybe i should nap!? Hmm, perhaps.

Wednesday 25 June 2008

4 more sleeps until my biiiiirthday!!


22. what an old fart! but i'm pretty excited!!
I seriously need a new laptop. I've been thinking of getting a mac, but a macpro is like $2699 over here and I was thinking of getting one with a norwegian keyboard. The laptop I have right now (Compaq) came with a normal keyboard, but i bought a norwegian laptop keyboard from ebay and put it on here. I find it easier to type with heh.

But then if I buy a mac, its like $1499 i think, but I'm not too sure if i can get a norwegian latop keyboard on ebay for that mac. I know for a macpro there is because i've looked it up. Hmm, the choices. I don't even know why I'm thinking of getting one. I'm broke as a joke. I guess I can dream, since it is my birthday soon.

I already know I'm getting new glasses from my parents. Because I told them, that's what I wanted lol. But I think there's another surprise in there aswell, which mum isn't telling me.
I wish it's a trip to Norway. Haha. Damn, I have my hopes too high. I highly doubt it will be that.

Soooooo, last week of clinical rotation, woooooo!
It's been ok. I've never seen so many nurses bitch about each other in the ward I'm in (Unit D - Vascular/Colorectal), but it shall pass.
I try not to get too involved in drama. I have weird anger management issues. It will turn into a bloody massacre if I unleashed my anger (hence how I got the nick name massacre!)

But that's pretty much all that has been happening. Just clinicals and working and getting overexcited about my birthday.

So now, I'm off because I need to sleep and go to work in the morning. Hehe.

Ciao ciao :]

P.S - Thanks my little squishy about the canker sore info. I've never actually heard the word "canker" before lol. Learn something new everyday they say! :] xoxo

Friday 20 June 2008

mouth ulcers suck x 1000000

ok, so yes, i have a mouth ulcer. Actually, make that 2! (Nooo, I haven't been kissing anyone with a mouth ulcer!) ... hah. I usually get these mouth ulcers when I stress too much. (Mouth Stress ulcer?) I don't know. Maybe because of clinicals and I have to know ALLLLLL the drugs that I have to give, otherwise I'll get a warning, then 2nd time, I'll fail. And I really really really don't want to fail. I really can't AFFORD to fail!

Anyway, week one of clinicals have been alright. By Monday next week, I'll be taking a full patient load (4 patients) for the next 2 weeks. I have to know their drugs and when our clinical teachers come around, we have to tell them, what each drug is. i.e Heparin is an anticoagulant, used to prevent or to treat thromboembolic disorder, yada yada yada. Then we have to know the doses and the side effects and most likely which drugs it can't be given with. i.e Heparin cannot be given with antihistamines, digoxin ... yada yada.

I only use Heparin as an example because that's pretty much all I know. Haha, no no, not really. I know a couple of others, well the other anticoagulant drugs, but I have to know like SOOOO many. Some of the patients, especially a patient load will probably have more than 20 drugs all together. Maybe less, if they're all getting roughly the same type of drug, but I'll be spending my weekend working and studying. YAYAYAYAY! ... NOT!

Anyway, I guess in a way it will keep me pretty busy, so that should be alright. :]

Other than that, the ulcers are pissing me off BIG TIME right now. It just hurts and I'm trying not to fuss/stress over it otherwise I'll get more. They've gone down a bit which is really really good. Mouth ulcers usually go within a week, but when I don't dress and relax more, it goes within 3 days.

Anyway, I was reading about it and it got all these like sexually transmitted diseases lololol, and I literally laughed my ass off. I haven't been doing ANY of them. *puts hand on bible* I ain't that nasty! Heheh!! Still gives me the giggles just thinking about it!

Anyway, that's been my life the past couple of days, nothing too major. Pretty boringggg. The weathers been shit, until today, with only a few clouds, but I can finally see the blue sky and the suns come out. Not all shitty and raining like before.

I hope everyone's having a good week, and that you all have a safe weekend!!


Monday 16 June 2008

i survived day one of torture.

Today worked out to be a pretty good day. A day of sitting down doing nothing really. Just basic orientation.
I got dumped into the Vascular / Colorectal Ward. Mmm yummy. I don't actually mind it too much. Seems pretty alright. I guess I won't get an insight on what the staff is like until I start tomorrow. It should be alright, otherwise the next ... 2 weeks will be a fucking nightmare.
Thank God, we get Friday off. I can WORK! I need the money. Like bad. Money money money. Must be funny. In a rich mans world. ... Hmm, it probably is. Probably use dollar bills to wipe their asses.

Anyway, I got a new printer today. Well, technically DAD got me a new printer because he's sending my own overseas, along with my beloved keyboard. I need money to go send money to a friend in Norway to get me a Norwegian keyboard. I'm used to the Norwegian layout and I'd like to stick with it. Heh.

I'm rearranging my room... for the 10 millionth time. Hopefully when I'm done it will look like I have more space.

Anyway, this was just a quick note before I head off that I survived today, and I'm pretty darn tooting happy about it. I thought I wasn't. And I'm like really really tired. So I'm going to quickly rearrange this room, have a shower and I'll probably call it a night.

Mmm tofu.


my laptop goes "vroom vroom"!

It's true. My old shitty laptop is still the greatest thing in the world to me.

Last night I just reformatted my god old laptop, so everything now is working faster than the speed of light!!! Plus, it was the first time I ever formatted by myself!

Well, I'm up pretty early because it's now Day 1 of clinical rotation and I'm getting ready. Got a bit of a headache because I don't think I fell asleep until past midnight and I got up at around 6:50AMish. Not really looking forward to it, or maybe I am. We'll just to wait and see to be honest.

I have to ask this girl to give me back my fucking text book. Since we're on clinical, I'd better get it. Seriously. Their group is messed up. I just hope that I'm in a good ward. There's like 4 wards (Unit A, B, C, D) and there's like 16 of us. 4 in each. Not too bad.

Anyway, this is going to be pretty quick because I'm in the middle of getting ready to leave and I need to have some breakie in me before I leave, so I can at least make it through the day. I can go to Epping Plaza afterwards ... YAY! The downside ... with no money? No yay!?

Anyway, I'll probably update this again really soon. Maybe later on if I can. To tell you about today.


Wednesday 11 June 2008

bankrupt broke. i hate money and bills.

this blog post is me venting out my frustrations with money and bills. so be prepared, it may be pretty long.

the fact that since i got paid last week (i get paid on a fortnightly basis), i have not touched ANY of that money or even seen it. And now, it's all gone to bills. bills bills bills. i have 2 phones that i pay off. both are around ... hmm $100 combined, not seperate. then i have gym, which is taken from my account automatically. and now i have a fucking physiotheraphy bullshit session i have to make up for because i actually forgot i had an appointment last week. (too busy with studying to even care about physio). tomorrow is deff. my last physio. fuck that. $70 for an hour is just a fucking waste, especially since now i'm all better and the cunt just wants to take money from me to perform a "checkup".

i seriously hate bills and the money i earn. i mean, hey, yeah it might not seem a lot, but because i'm studying at the same time, i possibly can't work more .. (or can i) and one of my clients (i work with paraplegics) was fucking nice enough to not even tell me she wasn't back from the hospital. work told me i start working back with her on the 25th of may. it's not the 11th of june and she's not back. so she wasted my time when i woke up at 7:30AM to get ready and go to work at 8:30AM. to my surprise, she wasn't even there. i could of slept in!

i deff. need the money right now.

i even have a party to go to on Saturday ( and YES, i have to go!) it's my friends birthday. having it at a gay club, because .. go figure, he's gay. haha. so i have to put at least $10 aside for a present. (joint present with dianne). free entry before 11pm. so deff. have to get there before 11pm!

i remember writing an entry a while ago about my financial problems and this is one of those times where i don't listen to myself and i stress out when times like this occur. this time, i didn't even touch any of my money ... it just disappeared due to bills.

work is getting annoying. i seriously want to work more to earn more, but at the same time i get a bit lazy and i prefer more shifts with the clients i already have now, instead of someone new.

ok, other than that, exams. i still have another 3 left. (one of the is after clinical rotation), so basically i have 2. thursday and friday. yay ... not.

with this whole bullshit bill randomly popping up, i'm shitting myself because of the lack of money that i may have trying to pay the piece of shit off, or maybe not. i get paid on the thursday, not tomorrow, next thursday and that bill is due on the 23rd. yeah it takes like .... 3 business days to get there, but omg i'm totally struggling on money issues. I NEED TO SAVE. and that client of mine better get back soon! My money issues were fine before she went to stay at the hospital. (nothing wrong with her, just the person she lives with had an operation and he was the one that took care of her).

it's just so frustrating with money and where it all goes. i mean, even being a freaking vegetarian, i'm still broke. what's going on?!?!?! that and we seriously need more vegan restaurants here. maybe i should totally franchise one from the states, but oh wait, i need money for that. vegan food isn't even that expensive.
yes, i said vegan. i know i'm a vegetarian (Pescatarian Vegetarian to be exact) ... which means i dont eat meat, but i eat fish. i need my omega-3 you know and i won't be feeding my body vitamin pills, or can i? blackmores omega 3 pills? i have some. haha. that's an idea. *writes it down*. Anyway, yes, i am a vegetarian, but i do eat vegan food. pretty darn yummy stuff! like i said we need more vegan places over here. they dont seem to coexist over here.

mum always finds it so hard to figure out what she's going to be making for me to eat, but i told her to not worry so much about making me anything meatless (since mum and dad aren't vegetarians), and i told my mum that i'll just make my own munchies. i don't want mum getting a headache with figuring out vegetarian/vegan dishes just for me. she's got enough problems on her plate and i don't need to put my vegetarian problems on her haha. plus, vegetarian dishes are pretty easy. for a person that cannot cook to save her life (and i have to cook for a client at work. bless god for his dear little head for not complaining on my lack of cooking skills in the kitchen. they will, however, get better!), i'm actually surprise my parents, my clients and myself allow me to step into a kitchen.

anyway, i should really head off and start studying again. i only decided to post because i got my bill (which i realised is a joint bill from last month) hence why that bill alone was $100. my other bill for the other phone reached $82 because i went over my limited amount, due to sebastian, who we will never speak of again! that sad sad satyriasis (females are nymphomaniacs) can go and be the sad satyriasis boy that he is, get prostate cancer and ill go see him and laugh in his face. serves the guy right for because a styriasis head.

anyway, best be off now. for real. haha. this is a damn damn damn long entry. hope you enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoyed letting my frustration out.


Friday 6 June 2008

something new.

Anyway, nothing big, but I've changed my profile on blogger. Weee. It's not longer "m3zz massacre". I think I've lost most of you. A lot of your are probably sitting there reading and thinking to yourself ... "wtf is she talking about?" Like I said, it's nothing big.

On your right you will see "View Complete Profile". All I'm saying is that I've changed the person on there. Well, it's still me. Duh, obviously. But yeah.

I shouldn't even be on here. Time is short people and my exams aren't going to be answering themselves if I don't study. Plus, I have work. Bummer bummer bummer. But I seriously need money money money. Just like Mischa Barton does right about now.

Thursday 5 June 2008

random ramblings.

Hmm, it's seriously been a while. A long long while since the last time I decided to blog.

I know. I know. You're all looking for an excuse.

And of course. It's exam season (or should I say time? What's happening to my English!?!?). I've been in the study mode for a while, which I'm loving. I've already done my Spanish Listening Exam, my Spanish Oral Exam and my High Dependency Performance Assessment. So, right now. I only have another 4 exams to go. Yes I know. I had 7 exams this semester. Bummer and sad to say I did slack off a lot, as well. But hopefully, this studying mode won't leave me until AFTER my exams. But of course, I have to defer one of my exams (Spanish Written Exam) to another date because it clashes with my Clinical Rotation at the hospital. But it should all be fine.
Been busy trying to decide on my Graduation as well with what hospitals I want to apply for to work next year. I just hope I do get a Grad. placement and if I don't ... then oh well. What can you do ...

I just wanted to let peope know what I've been up to. Haha. And that I haven't run off and forgotten about this blog. This is probably the longest I've ever kept an online blog. It's great writing a journal again. I found my old journal and was reading back to it. I first started in 1999. Almost 10 years ago. From that, I took a break in 2005. Probably 2 years I think. And now I've started again. I have been printing off my entries and sticking them into a journal book (continuing my old one), which is pretty good.

I hope everyone is fine.
Oh and NO BOYS right now. I'm so sick of them at the moment. They don't understand girls at all. I think I know why girls turn into lesbians!! (Not implying that I will become one! =P)

Anyway, yes. From the other entry about the TO DO things. Stuff still hasn't been done.
The financial thing is a MUST now for sure and I got paid yesterday and I know for certain all of that will be gone in a week, due to paying off bills and maybe just enough for the petrol. Petrol prices are ABSOLUTELY SHOCKING! I remember years ago when it was only around 60 cents a litre, now $1.58 a litre. Like seriously. I'm not made from money and I have to work hard *cough* at work to pay the bills. Hah.
But oh well. That's life. Maybe if I made money off the net. Hehehe. Would be a bit of a help. I have one a site that does, but c'mon. 60 cents a month pay? I don't think so Mr. 60 cents won't even get me a Chuppa Chup lollypop at Safeway (Woolworths for some) or Coles. Even with a staff discount card, it won't make a difference!!

I'll leave it at this now. Parentals are cooking. It's starting to smell. My stomach has made the cue to go see what's up and to eat the place down. =)

Hasta la vista (baby!).

Saturday 24 May 2008

All Better!

Yup, that's right. Sure enough, I was actually better the next day! Weird!

Anyway, today I went to a place called "The Warehouse" to buy myself a new desk. I have a corner desk, but because last year my parents bought me a new bed and stuff, it wouldn't fit in my room. Nevertheless, I still crammed it into my room. Now, With a new desk that's not a corner desk, my room doesn't look as cramped as before!

OK .... that was like posted a while ago. I left it as a draft to continue on with it later, but never came back to it.

Anyway, busy busy busy. Always busy studying for exams coming up.
I've already had 1 exam. My Spanish listening exam on Tuesday. Thats all done. Hopefully I passed.

Next up is my High Dependency Performance Assessment on Monday, then Tuesday Spanish Oral Exam. URGH. Thinking about it now makes me stress out. I hope I'm prepared enough for everything that's about to slap me across the face.

Anyway, just keeping this short and sweet and letting everybody know that I'm still alive and kicking.
Hope everyone has a good week.

I have a picture of the desk and such, but haven't had the time to upload it! Omg so lazy.
Oh, and to keep people updated too, Seb and I are no longer a "couple". Ended a while ago. I hate boys that only want one thing from a girl, as if we're just there for a personal pleasure instead of a normal relationship. Urgh, boys. Seriously.

Until next time, hasta luego mi amigos. xoxoxoxo

Thursday 22 May 2008

i hate being sick.

Yes, damn right. I've been sick for about 3 days now. (Ever since the Norwegian march on Sunday) But, I am actually getting better. Been dosing myself with Panadol and lemon & honey in lukewarm water (yummo). Oh, and of course, plenty of bed rest, if I can actually say that. It's 00:33 (12:33AM) and I'm still awake and I know I should be sleeping because I have class tomorrow (or today, whatever tickles you fancy).

Anybody been keeping up with Eurovision? You all better be watching it!! It's good. Not only that, but because Norway is in the Semi-Finals. GO MARIA! Oh, and not only that, because Mira Craig (who writes to me on Myspace occasionally) composed the song Maria is singing! "Hold on Be Strong". Upon hearing it, you can hear her accent. Heh! I hope Mira puts it on her album, since she wrote it and all. I should pester her about it and tell her to put it on her next album! *makes mental note*

Another thing that's really bothering me, that I really really need to get ontop of:
  • Study for exams
  • Submit hospital applications on Computer Match before July 31st.

The not so important at the moment:

  • Clean room. (Recycle all unwanted junk and possibly rearrange the bed.)
  • Reformat laptop.
  • Get PO Box sorted out.
  • Get bills organised & handle the rest of my financial stuff.

That last point it badly needed since I don't actually know where all my money wonders off to. I've been meaning to split my pay so half of it goes directly into my other account (the account I don't touch!). Argh. I'm soooo freaking unorganised and it's driving me absolutely mental.
Only, because I'm a perfectionist and very highly organised and since exams have been coming up and I've been trying every single trick to avoid studying, I slack off. It's gotten to a point where the rooms a complete mess and I'm behind on study. *Slaps self*

So starting tomorrow, and all that, I'll be studying. STUDY STUDY STUDY or i'll get someone to literally kick my ass!

I guess in a way I'm disappointing myself and I don't want to disappoint myself or disappoint the parentals when they hear that I flunked my exams. NOT GOOD! Urgh, I should really get some sleep. I don't want to start messing up my sleeping pattern YET again.

So, I'm off. Cherrio, cherrio, bye bye. (Yes, that's part of a song.)

Chau chau. xoxo.

Saturday 17 May 2008

Happy Norway Day!!!!

Gratulerer med dagen!
Despite the horrid weather (rain all day), I hope all the Norwegian people in Melbourne, Australia have a safe and happy Norway Day!!
Totally wish I went to celebrate at Albert Park tonight, but unfortunately I couldn't.
BUT, I am going on the march which is tomorrow in Toorak (I think. Need to double check everything), where I will be stocking up on Norwegian flags! HURRA!
Anyway, this is short, but sweet, as I have to head off to work and then go see the boyfriend. It's our 1 month anniversary!
Chau chau. xoxo.

Saturday 10 May 2008

shops are choccas today.

so i went to work today, wondering what to do with my mothers present today.
so after work, i went home very quickly to pick up a ring that i need to get engraved.

... it's for my friend in Norway, Sandra. I told her I'd send it like last year. I've had the ring for so long already. So i got the words "Unhearted" engraved on it, in italics. "Unhearted" is a song from a band called Automatic LoveLetter.

Anyway, I don't have much else to say. I'm actually really tired right now. heh. Oh, i finally got a new pair of contacts. Since the car crash last year, I lost them, probably in the crash.

So yeah, mums present. I got her a ring from Salera's. $149. Mum wanted one from Michael Hill for $39. $39!!! Cheap ass. I'm not cheap ass. (Well, when it comes to my parents, i'm no cheap ass!), so hopefully she likes it ... *fingers crossed* (Btw, if you're going to google Salera's website, it's a really shitty made website!)

Anyway, I can't even find a picture of it on the site. It's not for sale in the catalogue and right now I can't actually be bothered. Hehehehe.

Anyway, everyone enjoy your weekend.
Happy Mothers Day for tomorrow! Give your mothers a huge hug from me. (Yes, say it's from Mary Ann, a complete stranger!)

Hasta Luego.

mothers day eve.

So I'm writing this on Mothers Day Eve. I'm surely going to be one of the many shoppers that will be running around like crazy today trying to find a present for mum. I've been thinking of what to get her. I'm suppose to surprise her but she like showed me in a catalogue what she wanted. I don't want to get it for her because she knows what it is. I really want to surprise her. Plus, I don't want to buy her some chocolates. It would be pretty stupid and she would know that I didn't put much thought into it (since mum was recently diagnosed with diabetes).

But yeah, I will figure it out.

Ok, so this is like really really short. Shortest yet, but it's almost 1am and I'm starting to ruin my sleeping pattern yet again. Hehe.

Chau chau.

Monday 5 May 2008

the burgers are better at hungry jacks...

I realised I haven't blogged in so long. Actually, I don't remember. Over a week, I think. Last time was when we went out to the gay bar.

Nothing exciting has been happening, I'm afraid. Well, that or I don't remember.
Ok, so starting from the gay club... the rest of the weekend, all I did was basically work. Work, work, work. I'm not too sure if I saw Seb between then either hah. Damn the memory is bad.
Tuesday at Spanish we had a test on Unit 4 & 5. I honestly think I messed that up completely. I was unprepared for it because i've been catching up with everything else at uni.

Then the rest of the week was just catching up with everything and working on the weekend.
I hung out with Seb on Saturday night (told the parentals I was working til around 12:30ish) and I came home at around 1am. Which, really, really, really sucked. Basically because I had to get up at 6am, to go to work at 7am - 10am with a client I hadn't worked with before. But I was getting paid double time for 3 hours ($120 for 3 hours), so of course I didn't argue with that. I then had to go to work on the Sunday night as well (instead of the Saturday night). Then basically after that, I just crashed and burned. I was sooo bummed that day. I have recently been enjoying my mornings where I can sleep in. I use to survive with only 5-6 hours sleep and feel fine, but now I've been going to bed so early and getting an extra 3-4 hours sleep and I'm loving every minute of it!!

So Monday today ... Dianne, Chinh and I went to the library after our High Dependency lab class to work on our High Dependency take home test (Due Fridayish). Chinh left us not even half way through the test. Well he had to take his mum somewhere, so he had to go. Dianne and I were left in the room (she booked a room so we can work in there). Freaking took over 4 hours to finish half the test!!
It's worth 100 marks. 50 multiple choice (which were kinda hard, freaking respiratory bullshit) and then 50 short answer questions. The short answer questions seem pretty good. A lot of the students were complaining about it though because on our Course Guide on the subject, it said that the take home test was going to be all multiple choice, so he gave us an option of just doing all of the questions on the take home test, or do a quiz online. The quiz online had to be finished in 90 minutes... Like seriously, I'd totally do the take home test. At least you get a couple of days to actually do it.

Anyway, so that's out of the way, and I'm about to go and have a shower, then organise everything for tomorrow, then go to bed. To wake up early to catch the 7:42am train to the city for breakfast and spanish! heh.

Anyway, that's all that's been happening to be honest. Nothing too exciting except study study study. Exams are freaking soon and I'm so behind on my studying!! *cries* STRESS!!!!

Hasta luego mi amigos/as.

Saturday 26 April 2008

orangaja = orange PART 2.

Ok, so first, I'll explain the title.

We were in Spanish class and we were learning about colours. It's not really that funny, but the word for orange in spanish is "naranja" and I was mixing up the Norwegian "oransje", and I just ended up saying "orangaja". Plain and simple. Haha.

Ok, so clubbing. Justin's reaction was not how we planned it. We were thinking "shocked", but instead we got "pissed off and very angry". Then we concluded then and there that he was homophobic because he didn't want to be around boys, so he left.

Like seriously, he only wanted to go clubbing to pick up girls and that's all, so you know, we thought we're mess around with him. We went to a gay club called Xchange. We're been there a few times, and I've been more with my other friend Jason, 2 years ago (back when I was a youngin' of only 19). Even though it's a gay club for boys, there's still lesbians and bisexuals that go there and also straight people. There were a lot of bi's and lesbians last night, which I haven't seen in a while.

Anway, I invited Seb along. At least he didn't run away! (btw, organising my Flickr account soon, so it will include pictures of clubbing. The good ones of course. Never the bad! Haha) But we didn't tell Justin it was a gay club until we went in. Well John did, since I was still very pissed off and Justin from last time we went clubbing and all he wanted to do was pick up girls. He got pissed and was like "I don't want to be around gay guys." HOMOPHOBIC! I absolutely hate homophobic people. Gays/Lesbians/Bisexuals get treated like they're some incurable disease. It's stupid. But yeah, he just left, and we didn't really care. We didn't run after him or anything. And to be honest, we really really really enjoyed ourselves last night. We took pictures (soon to be put on flickr) and this gay guy just jumped into our picture! He was so cute though!! I'll totally upload it! It's hot. Haha.

We were all dancing like freaking crazy! Seb and I were "grinding". His fault. Usually at a club where I'm dancing, I don't like to be touched. LOLOL! I just dance and dance all crazy. A bit annoying how he kept grabbing me, like damn relax bro!

So that was clubbing. We left at like almost 3am and got something to eat as Windsor. (Pizza. Dianne had pasta. We all shared the wedges.) It was yummmmmmy. I couldn't finish my pizza. Only 4 freaking slices, so I got the remaining in a little pizza box. SOOO cute. (Ate the other 2 this morning before work! Haha) Then we went home.

Damn, I came home and my mum was already home! lol. Like shit. Haha. But that was pretty much the night we had.

I figured I won't explain about Seb yet, until I'm absolutely ready and I know that he's not "playing around." He'll get his ass kicked by me for sure! But he does drive a BMW. Haha. Oh la la. Sexy.

This should be all for now. Here's a picture of the night.

L-R: John, Dianne and I.


[Edit] - Justin sent a text message to John saying "Sorry for overeacting".

Friday 25 April 2008

orangaja = orange ?

Ok, this is gonna be like so short. I'm so busy today. I have to head off to work, so I will deff. update this probably tomorrow, since I'm going clubbing again. (Yes, we're also bringing the dead weight Virgin Clubber, but we're going to a gay club. Haha, boy, will he be shocked! Loves it).

Just wanted to share a video with you. This is Dianne jumping rope with the Earphones. We were shocked with how long the Earphone cord was, and said she can jump rope with it, so she tried lol. Sorry I sound like shit, haha. But its amazing how Dianne was jumping rope and nobody even bothered looking at what the heck she was doing! Haha!!

This is another video. We took ages to find this thing called "Flip Flop", like a flower that works on solar power. It was freaking awesome. Then we eventually found it, and Dianne's flower was a dud. Dianne's flower was green, mine is blue. Dianne got a new one after that. An orange one. Btw, I was filming this at the RMIT library in the city.

things to do bro:

  • explain orangaja.
  • tell everyone about clubbing.
  • seb.

Monday 21 April 2008

"Hello?" ... "... Hello?"

currently listening to: next to you - jordin sparks

Yes, I know the title needs to be explained.

Dianne and I wetnt to the gym yesterday (Sunday) and after that we went to KMART to do some shopping shopping. I, btw, FINALLY got a bag. It's massive. I can fit my whole head in it (like most bags), I guess with mine, you can fit 2 heads. But it's awesome.
Anyway, we decided to go to Hungry Jacks to have dinner because we were pretty hungry after shopping. We parked the car and went into Hungry Jacks, but there was only like 1 register open and the line was sooooo long, so we decided to just go through drive thru.
We went up to the speaker part where they're suppose to great you and everything and you tell them your order, BUT, when we went to the speaker, nobody was there to ask, so first I was like "Where's the person that talks? .... Hello??". Then Dianne went closer to the speaker and said "...Hello??". We giggled a bit, but then we heard "...Hello??" come from the speaker. We broke out into laughter. It might not be too funny reading it, but it was totally worth being there.

This entry it a bit of a quick entry to just keep everyone updated with what I've been up to. Woot!

There's a Norwegian movie called "Reprise" showing on Wednesday night at RMIT in the city campus and I'm deff. going. It's gonna be so exciting! I'm taking a friend of mine called Mathew. Then the next day he's going to Vietnam for 2 weeks. Anyway, so yeah, "Reprise". My friend Sandra from Trondheim said it was "boring"! Damn, it has Espen from "Bare Bea" (Just Bea) for all those sick minded people that are thinking otherwise. So, I'm so seeing it. C'mon, ESPEN! Heh.

Ok, so other news. BOYS! Ok, holy shit. The boys just seem to be storming into my life like there is no tomorrow!! So I've been talking to this guy, Mathew. (Yes, he's the one seeing the Norwegian move with me on Wednesday. I don't know about him. Seems a bit too serious and a bit too boring for my liking, but I've recently been stopped in my tracks by this guy called Seb. He seems so cool. But who's to say that. I've only spoken to him once on the phone. Who knows. All this boys one day. I drop one to go for the other, to find out the one I picked was the wrong one. Buffffff. Oh well, I'll figure it out.

So recently, I've been waking up in the middle of the night. (3AM to be exact) or usually around 3:15, 3:30, etc and it's so weird. Apparently the devils hour is 3am, but I mean, I'm posessed? LOL. Maybe it's due to too much Emily Rose. I do wake up at like 3am, but it's to go to the toilet. No smelling of smoke or anything in the room.

My mum made the most amazing pastry the other day. No meat, just vegetables. But she did make the mistake of buying the wrong pastry for the next batch. Still, it was pretty yum. I guess the wrong pastry she bought was pastry for like apple pies or like pie stuff. Still. Bloody brilliant.

Spanish tomorrow! Another early morning to get up and do all this shit before going to the train. *sigh* How annoying. But it shall be all good. :D

Anyway, I have nothing else to talk about, and yes, I do realise this is only a short entry. Meh, nothing really exciting happened, or if there has, I'll update this entry.

Chau chau.

Thursday 17 April 2008

Have a break. Have a ... tic tac?

The title comes from the wise words of my friend Dianne. She got the product mixed up. Was suppose to be Kit Kat. I haven't blogged since Friday. I have no idea who even reads this blog.
Hence why I usually shut down blogs like this. (A way to get you readers to bloody comment! Hehe). Random.

Anyway, REWIND.

So, we went out on Friday night right. We were all looking forward to that day. Virgin Clubber is seriously a Virgin Clubber. A player, An asshole, A Loser, A Jackass, A mole, An up-himself bastard, etc. You name it, he probably is it. Oh, and a liar. He was literally only there to pick up chicks. Not to have a good time with us, when most of the time when he was attempting to dance, his head was wondering around looking for some hoes to take home. Nah, I don't know. But I do know one thing. I'm not going to let ANYONE use me or my friends. If he wants to pick up some girls at a club for a one night stand, then he can do it in his own time. He shouldn't have to drag us around with him to do it. It's not fair.

Ok, so that was Friday night. Moving onto ... Tuesday.

Anyway, I got up at around 6am, to get ready and be out of the house before 7am. I had to get a car park at the train station before I missed out. Hah. Last week the carpark was full by 7:25am. Not good.

Weird ass people kept looking at me on the train. I don't know if it was due to the fact that my music was blaring into my ears full blast or I looked like I was stoned. I was wayyy too tired and blaring the music, was the only thing that was keeping me awake.

I had Sushi for breakfast. Who the hell has Sushi for breakfast, other than me? I also had a red bull. I was literally that tired. The Red Bull didn't last for long though. =(

For lunch, we went to La Matador in Smith Street. We decided to have a dish called "La Paella". A Spanish dish, our Spanish teacher Marta recommended we go and try out. So we did. So a dish of La Paella was around $24 per person, but this is what our La Paella looked like.

Marisco means seafood in Spanish. (More of the pictures can be seen on my Flickr page.)
I don't think La Paella was made for just 2 people. Dianne and I found it completely impossible to finish off the dish, and it could have easily feed a further 2 people.

Of course, overall, the dish was simply sublime. A bit oily here and there, but delicious.

After that, we went back to the RMIT library to study for a bit. Surprisingly, I was in the study mood and have been ever since! hehe. YAAAAY. We studied for just about over and hour. Or an hour and a half probably. Not too bad. Then we went for a bit of a shop, looking for a bag for me. No such luck, but that's alright. I can try and find something soon. Before next Spanish class hopefully!

So, what else has been happening? Nothing much. Went to uni. The class waited for about 30 minutes for our teacher to show up. She made the mistake of marking the class down for 3:30 ... come on ... 3:30. Like damn. Other than that, it was alright. I was forcing myself to concentrate in class, then I was gonna go to Rebel sport to buy a new bag because my bag broke. (A lot of my bags break because it's too heavy). *Sigh*. So, maybe tomorrow, after gym and work, I'll go and find a bag to replace my broken one. =( Maybe a rad sports bag. Teheh. So much to do. Thank God, I don't have class tomorrow. I'm so behind in my studying. I have to get my butt down to study hard.

Anyway, best be off. This entry is pretty long already I think and I have to get things organised for gym tomorrow, then work, then possibly meeting up with a friend for a coffee and shopping for a bag. Hmm, we'll just have to see. =)

Hope everyone is having an awesome week and if I don't write by the weekend, an awesome weekend too!

Chau chau.

Friday 11 April 2008

Goodbye old. Hello new ...



We FINALLY got our new fence built. Like over a week later. Poor dogs couldn't go outside to take a piss or a shit. (Excuse the profanity.) But now, after a week and ...hmm 2 days later.

It was a pretty quick job as well. I mean the builders came and literally finished in just over an hour and a half and that was with the cement and everything. Like wow! If they were that quick at their job, why did it take so bloody long to come and fix our fence.

Other than that, I've realised that I haven't written for nearly a week and I thought I should write something ... I guess quick and brief, as I have to go shower, go to work, come back home and get ready to go out. Clubbing clubbing clubbing.

One of our friends is going to join us yet again for the 2nd time. He's a bit of a virgin clubber, as he likes to leave his drinks on a table where people can easily put drugs in, and he likes to leave his jacket lying somewhere. Like seriously ... "Have you never been clubbing before?" What a serious virgin clubber. He spoils the party too. He usually leaves around 1AM, or 1:15AM, because he has to go to sleep, and blah blah blah. Come onnnnnnn! You have to be kidding me. My friends and I go clubbing and don't get home til around 5AM. Like damn. 1AM is stupid really. It's too early to go home. Especially if you're not working the next day, there's no reason to go home early.

Even I don't go home at 1AM, and I work at 10AM, Saturday morning.

So, my week has been pretty good. For the first time ever I actually found myself concentrating in High Dependency. I was like WOWOWOW! I'm usually half asleep during that lecture and really dead once he commences after we had a break. I need to still review my High Dependecy notes (notice I have crossed the stuff that I've done out in my previous posts...)

And also, my daddy comes back tomorrow. So that means NEW Digital Camera for me!! Excitement everywhere. Oh, and of course, for my daddy too. =)

Other news.
THE SIMS 3!!!! (Coming in 2009)

I like seriously cannot tell you how much I have been waiting for this. This time, instead of the Sims just staying inside the house doing fuck all, they can actually go out of their houses and walk places like HU-fucking-RRAH! I'm so excited, but I mean, it's released in 2009. I'm 22 then, turning 23. I like ... need to grow up and like stop playing computer games ... NOT!

Other than that news, I don't think I have anymore news to tell.

I did, however, have a Spanish test on Tuesday. Majoy plonker maybe. I drew a complete blank when I was actually doing it. But oh well. There's always next time I guess.

I got my mummy a new phone from KMART. Hehe. Well, she was eyeing the phone in the catalogue and was pretty much hinting how much she liked it and it was the same as dads phone, yada yada. And because she had to pay $790 for the fence, and she was stressing about the lack of money she has, I bought it for her. (Yes, you know, surprisingly, I can be nice too!) So I taught her how to use it and she's on top of the moon about her new phone.

Oh oh, and last night we had a movie night at Dianne's place ... movie night which was 2 movies. Tehehehe!! The Exorcist and The Exorcism of Emily Rose. Fun fun fun. We made SUSHI! And they were like ... MASSIVE! lol. And we had chicken and Ice Tea and WAFFLES! Mmmmm Belgium Waffles. *melts* YUMMO!

Other than that ... let's see... We skipped the gym today, but we've been good and going just about everyday as planned, which I'm proud of. I should weigh myself to see if I've lost anything ... or maybe nothing at all! *shoked*.

Hmm, other than that news, I don't think I have any news left. I've covered just about everything I think, unless I remember something, I'll update it.

Now, shower time, then work, then clubbing. It shall be fun. Hope my friend doesn't leave to early, or Dianne will slap him, and I'll kick him in his manhood area ... not literally of course. *cough*

P.S - I've enabled comments so anybody can comment. Leave your name. Well, with some people, I should know who it is by the way they type lol. All stupid comments will be deleted. xD

Sunday 6 April 2008

Daylight savings sucks monkey balls.

I don't think I can stress enough how much I hate daylight savings. It confuses the hell out of me. Not only did I not know you had to put the clock back one hour, I end up putting the clock forward for my client at work. God, I really hope that he knows that it's really an hour back ... otherwise he'd be shocked that i came to work a hour early, even worse, he's still sleeping when I get there. I doubt he would be, since there's another carer that goes into his house before I do.

I don't understand the whole purpose of daylight savings. Why can't we just leave the time as it is and like ... never change it. It would be farrrrr easier to do so, instead of all of us fiddling around with the gay turny thing at the back of the clock. And actually having to change the time for every clock in the house. Imagine you had like a mansion and had like clocks everywhere. Geez, enjoy turning all those clocks and hour back or forwards.

Other than that, I thought daylight savings was last week, my mobile phone went back an hour last week and I ended up being late for work. Thanks a lot daylight savings.

Other than talking about daylight savings, nothing exciting happened. I went to work this morning. Dianne and I went to the gym for 1.5 hours today. YAY for gym. I've been everyday. I'm proud of myself! After that, when to work, where I stupidly put my clients clock one hour forward instead of backwards and now I'm home, in bed, chatting online to my norwegian boys. HEHEHE!! And typing this entry, mainly about my hatred for daylight savings.

That should be enough venting about daylight savings day.

Ending on a good note ... I get to sleep in for an extra hour. =D

Friday 4 April 2008

Det er kaldt, og det blåser.

Hmm, I may have just screwed up my sleeping pattern. We'll just have to wait and see.

My friend and I went to the gym this morning and worked out for 2.5 hours, before having a quick lunch and then going to class. I'm surprised I could actually stay awake through it, although I was yawning a lot.

I took some pictures today of the tree branches that had fallen down. Unfortunately, I had to resort in taking the pictures with my camera phone. This, however, will only be for another 9 days. My dad bought me a Sony Digital Camera just before he went overseas, but since it was from Duty Free, I can't get it until he comes back from his trip. So here are some of the pictures from today. Btw, these pictures were taken from University.

So, right now, I'm just sitting ... lying here, watching "What A Girl Wants" on DVD, whilst typing this entry.
I have a few things to do tomorrow/the weekend that I need to get on top of.
  1. Review High Dependency lecture notes.
  2. Study for Spanish test/exam (whatever) on Tuesday.
  3. Clean room.
  4. Clean out boxes in cupboard and take out everything that needs to go into recycling.
  5. Wash the dogs... (maybe)
  6. Call the bank.
  7. Daylight savings (Saturday)
  8. Clean out junk/unwanted crap off computer.
I will be crossing out the ones that I've done once I've actually done them. =P

Anyway, this is only just a short entry. I might not write tomorrow. Or I may. Depends on what happens tomorrow that is really worth writing about.
Anyway, I should be heading off to bed. Working tomorrow morning. Yay for money!

Wednesday 2 April 2008

The start of something OLD.

Hmm, ok, let's be honest. This would basically have to be my 10 millionth time I have tried to start an online blog and failed. But it's time that I start again. This time setting a challenge for myself to see how long I can actually last, before I abandon this again!

Anyway, Wednesday today. A crazy ass day in Melbourne. My friends Dianne, John and I met up at around almost half past 8 today at the gym to start working out. We signed up to the gym at uni for $38 a month for 9 months. We're also planning to go every single day. (I wonder who long that will last for. =/) So far, we've been good. Well, it's only been Day 1 for us. We're meeting again tomorrow at 7AM to go to the gym before we head off to class. Then hopefully that night, we'll be going to the Body Balance class they have on.

After that, we headed off to Coburg (Dianne and I had to hand in a little introduction we wrote in Spanish to our teacher!). So we dumped our cars at Coburg station and caught the train. Little did we know, the wind was starting to pick up. Dirt in our eyes. The works. Took some Photos. Hopefully I'll upload some up later, once I get the pictures off her.

We got off at Melbourne Central and decided to grab a quick bite to eat. (We planned to later on have a kebab at Coburg ... it's claimed to be the best kebab place in Melbourne). I got sushi. Go figure. And I also tried something new. Something called Intari (I got plain). It's this thing, marinated in something sweet I guess. Still, taste nice.

Handed in our "Spanish Introductions" and just went walking around to Elizabeth St. to find Dianne's Phone. It was said to come out in March in Melbourne, but it's the start of April and not all shops have it. Even if they do, they don't have all the colours, hence why Dianne couldn't get it today.

We decided to go home after that, well, back to Coburg, so we got a tram back to Melbourne Central. Holy shit, the wind had started to pick up. Something didn't seem right in the weather. It was said to be around 24 and when we arrived in the city, it was pretty warm. Then the wind started up. Then trees were falling down because the winds were really getting strong.

So, Coburg came. Walked to MK's Kebabs. On the way there, we say a tree that had fallen onto a car. Other than that, we, ourselves were getting blown off our feet. Course, we giggled about being blown off our feet because of the wind. We've had winds like this before, but we didn't realise how serious it would get later on.
So, holy fuck is all I can say to Coburg Kebabs. What a yum kebab.They put so much in it and I definitely need to be at the gym for 3 hours to work all that crap off.

Other than that, Dianne had to go off to work, and I had to drop John off to uni, since he got a ride in my car to Coburg/city/back and his car stayed at uni.

On the way back to uni, the amount of branches that had fallen down, had been scattered all over the roads and cut off the power to come traffic lights. (Was wondering why I was driving straight for a long time without stopping at a red light ...).

Anyway, that's it from me. If you haven't heard about the crazy winds in Melbourne, feel free to read it here.