Thursday 5 June 2008

random ramblings.

Hmm, it's seriously been a while. A long long while since the last time I decided to blog.

I know. I know. You're all looking for an excuse.

And of course. It's exam season (or should I say time? What's happening to my English!?!?). I've been in the study mode for a while, which I'm loving. I've already done my Spanish Listening Exam, my Spanish Oral Exam and my High Dependency Performance Assessment. So, right now. I only have another 4 exams to go. Yes I know. I had 7 exams this semester. Bummer and sad to say I did slack off a lot, as well. But hopefully, this studying mode won't leave me until AFTER my exams. But of course, I have to defer one of my exams (Spanish Written Exam) to another date because it clashes with my Clinical Rotation at the hospital. But it should all be fine.
Been busy trying to decide on my Graduation as well with what hospitals I want to apply for to work next year. I just hope I do get a Grad. placement and if I don't ... then oh well. What can you do ...

I just wanted to let peope know what I've been up to. Haha. And that I haven't run off and forgotten about this blog. This is probably the longest I've ever kept an online blog. It's great writing a journal again. I found my old journal and was reading back to it. I first started in 1999. Almost 10 years ago. From that, I took a break in 2005. Probably 2 years I think. And now I've started again. I have been printing off my entries and sticking them into a journal book (continuing my old one), which is pretty good.

I hope everyone is fine.
Oh and NO BOYS right now. I'm so sick of them at the moment. They don't understand girls at all. I think I know why girls turn into lesbians!! (Not implying that I will become one! =P)

Anyway, yes. From the other entry about the TO DO things. Stuff still hasn't been done.
The financial thing is a MUST now for sure and I got paid yesterday and I know for certain all of that will be gone in a week, due to paying off bills and maybe just enough for the petrol. Petrol prices are ABSOLUTELY SHOCKING! I remember years ago when it was only around 60 cents a litre, now $1.58 a litre. Like seriously. I'm not made from money and I have to work hard *cough* at work to pay the bills. Hah.
But oh well. That's life. Maybe if I made money off the net. Hehehe. Would be a bit of a help. I have one a site that does, but c'mon. 60 cents a month pay? I don't think so Mr. 60 cents won't even get me a Chuppa Chup lollypop at Safeway (Woolworths for some) or Coles. Even with a staff discount card, it won't make a difference!!

I'll leave it at this now. Parentals are cooking. It's starting to smell. My stomach has made the cue to go see what's up and to eat the place down. =)

Hasta la vista (baby!).

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