Monday 16 June 2008

my laptop goes "vroom vroom"!

It's true. My old shitty laptop is still the greatest thing in the world to me.

Last night I just reformatted my god old laptop, so everything now is working faster than the speed of light!!! Plus, it was the first time I ever formatted by myself!

Well, I'm up pretty early because it's now Day 1 of clinical rotation and I'm getting ready. Got a bit of a headache because I don't think I fell asleep until past midnight and I got up at around 6:50AMish. Not really looking forward to it, or maybe I am. We'll just to wait and see to be honest.

I have to ask this girl to give me back my fucking text book. Since we're on clinical, I'd better get it. Seriously. Their group is messed up. I just hope that I'm in a good ward. There's like 4 wards (Unit A, B, C, D) and there's like 16 of us. 4 in each. Not too bad.

Anyway, this is going to be pretty quick because I'm in the middle of getting ready to leave and I need to have some breakie in me before I leave, so I can at least make it through the day. I can go to Epping Plaza afterwards ... YAY! The downside ... with no money? No yay!?

Anyway, I'll probably update this again really soon. Maybe later on if I can. To tell you about today.



Anonymous said...

WATEROO!!!! I hope everything is going better with you! Rotations sound like they would be more fun then having to just study out of a textbook.

Stay healthy! Love you!

міѕѕ маяуаии said...

Everything is alright Squishy my dear! Getting better I suppose hehe.Hope you're well. Love you toooo! :]