Thursday 22 May 2008

i hate being sick.

Yes, damn right. I've been sick for about 3 days now. (Ever since the Norwegian march on Sunday) But, I am actually getting better. Been dosing myself with Panadol and lemon & honey in lukewarm water (yummo). Oh, and of course, plenty of bed rest, if I can actually say that. It's 00:33 (12:33AM) and I'm still awake and I know I should be sleeping because I have class tomorrow (or today, whatever tickles you fancy).

Anybody been keeping up with Eurovision? You all better be watching it!! It's good. Not only that, but because Norway is in the Semi-Finals. GO MARIA! Oh, and not only that, because Mira Craig (who writes to me on Myspace occasionally) composed the song Maria is singing! "Hold on Be Strong". Upon hearing it, you can hear her accent. Heh! I hope Mira puts it on her album, since she wrote it and all. I should pester her about it and tell her to put it on her next album! *makes mental note*

Another thing that's really bothering me, that I really really need to get ontop of:
  • Study for exams
  • Submit hospital applications on Computer Match before July 31st.

The not so important at the moment:

  • Clean room. (Recycle all unwanted junk and possibly rearrange the bed.)
  • Reformat laptop.
  • Get PO Box sorted out.
  • Get bills organised & handle the rest of my financial stuff.

That last point it badly needed since I don't actually know where all my money wonders off to. I've been meaning to split my pay so half of it goes directly into my other account (the account I don't touch!). Argh. I'm soooo freaking unorganised and it's driving me absolutely mental.
Only, because I'm a perfectionist and very highly organised and since exams have been coming up and I've been trying every single trick to avoid studying, I slack off. It's gotten to a point where the rooms a complete mess and I'm behind on study. *Slaps self*

So starting tomorrow, and all that, I'll be studying. STUDY STUDY STUDY or i'll get someone to literally kick my ass!

I guess in a way I'm disappointing myself and I don't want to disappoint myself or disappoint the parentals when they hear that I flunked my exams. NOT GOOD! Urgh, I should really get some sleep. I don't want to start messing up my sleeping pattern YET again.

So, I'm off. Cherrio, cherrio, bye bye. (Yes, that's part of a song.)

Chau chau. xoxo.

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