Monday 5 May 2008

the burgers are better at hungry jacks...

I realised I haven't blogged in so long. Actually, I don't remember. Over a week, I think. Last time was when we went out to the gay bar.

Nothing exciting has been happening, I'm afraid. Well, that or I don't remember.
Ok, so starting from the gay club... the rest of the weekend, all I did was basically work. Work, work, work. I'm not too sure if I saw Seb between then either hah. Damn the memory is bad.
Tuesday at Spanish we had a test on Unit 4 & 5. I honestly think I messed that up completely. I was unprepared for it because i've been catching up with everything else at uni.

Then the rest of the week was just catching up with everything and working on the weekend.
I hung out with Seb on Saturday night (told the parentals I was working til around 12:30ish) and I came home at around 1am. Which, really, really, really sucked. Basically because I had to get up at 6am, to go to work at 7am - 10am with a client I hadn't worked with before. But I was getting paid double time for 3 hours ($120 for 3 hours), so of course I didn't argue with that. I then had to go to work on the Sunday night as well (instead of the Saturday night). Then basically after that, I just crashed and burned. I was sooo bummed that day. I have recently been enjoying my mornings where I can sleep in. I use to survive with only 5-6 hours sleep and feel fine, but now I've been going to bed so early and getting an extra 3-4 hours sleep and I'm loving every minute of it!!

So Monday today ... Dianne, Chinh and I went to the library after our High Dependency lab class to work on our High Dependency take home test (Due Fridayish). Chinh left us not even half way through the test. Well he had to take his mum somewhere, so he had to go. Dianne and I were left in the room (she booked a room so we can work in there). Freaking took over 4 hours to finish half the test!!
It's worth 100 marks. 50 multiple choice (which were kinda hard, freaking respiratory bullshit) and then 50 short answer questions. The short answer questions seem pretty good. A lot of the students were complaining about it though because on our Course Guide on the subject, it said that the take home test was going to be all multiple choice, so he gave us an option of just doing all of the questions on the take home test, or do a quiz online. The quiz online had to be finished in 90 minutes... Like seriously, I'd totally do the take home test. At least you get a couple of days to actually do it.

Anyway, so that's out of the way, and I'm about to go and have a shower, then organise everything for tomorrow, then go to bed. To wake up early to catch the 7:42am train to the city for breakfast and spanish! heh.

Anyway, that's all that's been happening to be honest. Nothing too exciting except study study study. Exams are freaking soon and I'm so behind on my studying!! *cries* STRESS!!!!

Hasta luego mi amigos/as.

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