Saturday 26 April 2008

orangaja = orange PART 2.

Ok, so first, I'll explain the title.

We were in Spanish class and we were learning about colours. It's not really that funny, but the word for orange in spanish is "naranja" and I was mixing up the Norwegian "oransje", and I just ended up saying "orangaja". Plain and simple. Haha.

Ok, so clubbing. Justin's reaction was not how we planned it. We were thinking "shocked", but instead we got "pissed off and very angry". Then we concluded then and there that he was homophobic because he didn't want to be around boys, so he left.

Like seriously, he only wanted to go clubbing to pick up girls and that's all, so you know, we thought we're mess around with him. We went to a gay club called Xchange. We're been there a few times, and I've been more with my other friend Jason, 2 years ago (back when I was a youngin' of only 19). Even though it's a gay club for boys, there's still lesbians and bisexuals that go there and also straight people. There were a lot of bi's and lesbians last night, which I haven't seen in a while.

Anway, I invited Seb along. At least he didn't run away! (btw, organising my Flickr account soon, so it will include pictures of clubbing. The good ones of course. Never the bad! Haha) But we didn't tell Justin it was a gay club until we went in. Well John did, since I was still very pissed off and Justin from last time we went clubbing and all he wanted to do was pick up girls. He got pissed and was like "I don't want to be around gay guys." HOMOPHOBIC! I absolutely hate homophobic people. Gays/Lesbians/Bisexuals get treated like they're some incurable disease. It's stupid. But yeah, he just left, and we didn't really care. We didn't run after him or anything. And to be honest, we really really really enjoyed ourselves last night. We took pictures (soon to be put on flickr) and this gay guy just jumped into our picture! He was so cute though!! I'll totally upload it! It's hot. Haha.

We were all dancing like freaking crazy! Seb and I were "grinding". His fault. Usually at a club where I'm dancing, I don't like to be touched. LOLOL! I just dance and dance all crazy. A bit annoying how he kept grabbing me, like damn relax bro!

So that was clubbing. We left at like almost 3am and got something to eat as Windsor. (Pizza. Dianne had pasta. We all shared the wedges.) It was yummmmmmy. I couldn't finish my pizza. Only 4 freaking slices, so I got the remaining in a little pizza box. SOOO cute. (Ate the other 2 this morning before work! Haha) Then we went home.

Damn, I came home and my mum was already home! lol. Like shit. Haha. But that was pretty much the night we had.

I figured I won't explain about Seb yet, until I'm absolutely ready and I know that he's not "playing around." He'll get his ass kicked by me for sure! But he does drive a BMW. Haha. Oh la la. Sexy.

This should be all for now. Here's a picture of the night.

L-R: John, Dianne and I.


[Edit] - Justin sent a text message to John saying "Sorry for overeacting".


Anonymous said...

hehehehe i look pretty on this pic! lol yeah thats right ..... ME ONLY!

How fun was sunday night... lololol

stupid homophobic arrgggghhhhh

and yeah.. Seb is cool you should keep him! =)

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA Justin sounds like such a loser XD like why would he be pissed off? He needs to relax and laugh once in a while.

I want to see what Seb looks like XD he sounds so interesting. BMW is pretty hot.

You all look so good in that picture! I can't wait to see more =D

m3zz massacre said...

Bwahaha Dianne. You only! *drops jaw*

Yeah, stupid homophobic asshole. That's right that's right!! DAMN RIGHT!

I will keep Sebastian. =)

Squishy squishy - Justin is a loser. Dianne and I have been asking people (Our friend Ching, Sebastian and our friend Tanya) is Justin was gay. So we showed a picture and they all said YES! Hahaha.
We're not there to perve on gay people. They awesome house music! You'd love it. We only go for the music and to enjoy ourselves.
I still need to put pictures up on Flickr. Just been so busy lately! But I WILL!! I promise! =P