Friday 25 April 2008

orangaja = orange ?

Ok, this is gonna be like so short. I'm so busy today. I have to head off to work, so I will deff. update this probably tomorrow, since I'm going clubbing again. (Yes, we're also bringing the dead weight Virgin Clubber, but we're going to a gay club. Haha, boy, will he be shocked! Loves it).

Just wanted to share a video with you. This is Dianne jumping rope with the Earphones. We were shocked with how long the Earphone cord was, and said she can jump rope with it, so she tried lol. Sorry I sound like shit, haha. But its amazing how Dianne was jumping rope and nobody even bothered looking at what the heck she was doing! Haha!!

This is another video. We took ages to find this thing called "Flip Flop", like a flower that works on solar power. It was freaking awesome. Then we eventually found it, and Dianne's flower was a dud. Dianne's flower was green, mine is blue. Dianne got a new one after that. An orange one. Btw, I was filming this at the RMIT library in the city.

things to do bro:

  • explain orangaja.
  • tell everyone about clubbing.
  • seb.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL i thought it said "orange ganja" when I first read the title of your blog entry. i was so wrong xD WATEROO!!!! You have such a cool accent!! Dx oh my gosh! I finally know what ya sound like! that is too cool. you and your friend dianne seem like you have a lot of fun together lol i love how no one turned around at you all laughing xD

i can't wait to read your update!!! gay club + virgin clubber = PRICELESS.