Monday 21 April 2008

"Hello?" ... "... Hello?"

currently listening to: next to you - jordin sparks

Yes, I know the title needs to be explained.

Dianne and I wetnt to the gym yesterday (Sunday) and after that we went to KMART to do some shopping shopping. I, btw, FINALLY got a bag. It's massive. I can fit my whole head in it (like most bags), I guess with mine, you can fit 2 heads. But it's awesome.
Anyway, we decided to go to Hungry Jacks to have dinner because we were pretty hungry after shopping. We parked the car and went into Hungry Jacks, but there was only like 1 register open and the line was sooooo long, so we decided to just go through drive thru.
We went up to the speaker part where they're suppose to great you and everything and you tell them your order, BUT, when we went to the speaker, nobody was there to ask, so first I was like "Where's the person that talks? .... Hello??". Then Dianne went closer to the speaker and said "...Hello??". We giggled a bit, but then we heard "...Hello??" come from the speaker. We broke out into laughter. It might not be too funny reading it, but it was totally worth being there.

This entry it a bit of a quick entry to just keep everyone updated with what I've been up to. Woot!

There's a Norwegian movie called "Reprise" showing on Wednesday night at RMIT in the city campus and I'm deff. going. It's gonna be so exciting! I'm taking a friend of mine called Mathew. Then the next day he's going to Vietnam for 2 weeks. Anyway, so yeah, "Reprise". My friend Sandra from Trondheim said it was "boring"! Damn, it has Espen from "Bare Bea" (Just Bea) for all those sick minded people that are thinking otherwise. So, I'm so seeing it. C'mon, ESPEN! Heh.

Ok, so other news. BOYS! Ok, holy shit. The boys just seem to be storming into my life like there is no tomorrow!! So I've been talking to this guy, Mathew. (Yes, he's the one seeing the Norwegian move with me on Wednesday. I don't know about him. Seems a bit too serious and a bit too boring for my liking, but I've recently been stopped in my tracks by this guy called Seb. He seems so cool. But who's to say that. I've only spoken to him once on the phone. Who knows. All this boys one day. I drop one to go for the other, to find out the one I picked was the wrong one. Buffffff. Oh well, I'll figure it out.

So recently, I've been waking up in the middle of the night. (3AM to be exact) or usually around 3:15, 3:30, etc and it's so weird. Apparently the devils hour is 3am, but I mean, I'm posessed? LOL. Maybe it's due to too much Emily Rose. I do wake up at like 3am, but it's to go to the toilet. No smelling of smoke or anything in the room.

My mum made the most amazing pastry the other day. No meat, just vegetables. But she did make the mistake of buying the wrong pastry for the next batch. Still, it was pretty yum. I guess the wrong pastry she bought was pastry for like apple pies or like pie stuff. Still. Bloody brilliant.

Spanish tomorrow! Another early morning to get up and do all this shit before going to the train. *sigh* How annoying. But it shall be all good. :D

Anyway, I have nothing else to talk about, and yes, I do realise this is only a short entry. Meh, nothing really exciting happened, or if there has, I'll update this entry.

Chau chau.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY! She lives! XD
Ooh! it sounds like you got a messenger bag thingy. those are pretty sweet! 8D congrads on finally getting one Wateroo!!
LOL the "hello hello" thing made me smile xD that's funny. were you in a car or did you walk through the drive thru? XD

the 3 am thing bothered me too after i watched emily rose x.x but it was more like i would be awake until 3 am and i would be kind of paranoid about going to bed lol. SEB SOUNDS HOT! lol i like cool guys <3 and motorcyclists aaaah that aren't fat, really ancient, or over-buff.

i hope you enjoy your movie! be sure to tell use if you saw any bare-somewheres ;D kidding! lol and that pastry thingy made me feel really hungry. my mom makes these spinach ones with like mozarella cheese thats so good T_T dang it.