Sunday 6 April 2008

Daylight savings sucks monkey balls.

I don't think I can stress enough how much I hate daylight savings. It confuses the hell out of me. Not only did I not know you had to put the clock back one hour, I end up putting the clock forward for my client at work. God, I really hope that he knows that it's really an hour back ... otherwise he'd be shocked that i came to work a hour early, even worse, he's still sleeping when I get there. I doubt he would be, since there's another carer that goes into his house before I do.

I don't understand the whole purpose of daylight savings. Why can't we just leave the time as it is and like ... never change it. It would be farrrrr easier to do so, instead of all of us fiddling around with the gay turny thing at the back of the clock. And actually having to change the time for every clock in the house. Imagine you had like a mansion and had like clocks everywhere. Geez, enjoy turning all those clocks and hour back or forwards.

Other than that, I thought daylight savings was last week, my mobile phone went back an hour last week and I ended up being late for work. Thanks a lot daylight savings.

Other than talking about daylight savings, nothing exciting happened. I went to work this morning. Dianne and I went to the gym for 1.5 hours today. YAY for gym. I've been everyday. I'm proud of myself! After that, when to work, where I stupidly put my clients clock one hour forward instead of backwards and now I'm home, in bed, chatting online to my norwegian boys. HEHEHE!! And typing this entry, mainly about my hatred for daylight savings.

That should be enough venting about daylight savings day.

Ending on a good note ... I get to sleep in for an extra hour. =D

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