Friday 4 April 2008

Det er kaldt, og det blåser.

Hmm, I may have just screwed up my sleeping pattern. We'll just have to wait and see.

My friend and I went to the gym this morning and worked out for 2.5 hours, before having a quick lunch and then going to class. I'm surprised I could actually stay awake through it, although I was yawning a lot.

I took some pictures today of the tree branches that had fallen down. Unfortunately, I had to resort in taking the pictures with my camera phone. This, however, will only be for another 9 days. My dad bought me a Sony Digital Camera just before he went overseas, but since it was from Duty Free, I can't get it until he comes back from his trip. So here are some of the pictures from today. Btw, these pictures were taken from University.

So, right now, I'm just sitting ... lying here, watching "What A Girl Wants" on DVD, whilst typing this entry.
I have a few things to do tomorrow/the weekend that I need to get on top of.
  1. Review High Dependency lecture notes.
  2. Study for Spanish test/exam (whatever) on Tuesday.
  3. Clean room.
  4. Clean out boxes in cupboard and take out everything that needs to go into recycling.
  5. Wash the dogs... (maybe)
  6. Call the bank.
  7. Daylight savings (Saturday)
  8. Clean out junk/unwanted crap off computer.
I will be crossing out the ones that I've done once I've actually done them. =P

Anyway, this is only just a short entry. I might not write tomorrow. Or I may. Depends on what happens tomorrow that is really worth writing about.
Anyway, I should be heading off to bed. Working tomorrow morning. Yay for money!

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