Wednesday 2 April 2008

The start of something OLD.

Hmm, ok, let's be honest. This would basically have to be my 10 millionth time I have tried to start an online blog and failed. But it's time that I start again. This time setting a challenge for myself to see how long I can actually last, before I abandon this again!

Anyway, Wednesday today. A crazy ass day in Melbourne. My friends Dianne, John and I met up at around almost half past 8 today at the gym to start working out. We signed up to the gym at uni for $38 a month for 9 months. We're also planning to go every single day. (I wonder who long that will last for. =/) So far, we've been good. Well, it's only been Day 1 for us. We're meeting again tomorrow at 7AM to go to the gym before we head off to class. Then hopefully that night, we'll be going to the Body Balance class they have on.

After that, we headed off to Coburg (Dianne and I had to hand in a little introduction we wrote in Spanish to our teacher!). So we dumped our cars at Coburg station and caught the train. Little did we know, the wind was starting to pick up. Dirt in our eyes. The works. Took some Photos. Hopefully I'll upload some up later, once I get the pictures off her.

We got off at Melbourne Central and decided to grab a quick bite to eat. (We planned to later on have a kebab at Coburg ... it's claimed to be the best kebab place in Melbourne). I got sushi. Go figure. And I also tried something new. Something called Intari (I got plain). It's this thing, marinated in something sweet I guess. Still, taste nice.

Handed in our "Spanish Introductions" and just went walking around to Elizabeth St. to find Dianne's Phone. It was said to come out in March in Melbourne, but it's the start of April and not all shops have it. Even if they do, they don't have all the colours, hence why Dianne couldn't get it today.

We decided to go home after that, well, back to Coburg, so we got a tram back to Melbourne Central. Holy shit, the wind had started to pick up. Something didn't seem right in the weather. It was said to be around 24 and when we arrived in the city, it was pretty warm. Then the wind started up. Then trees were falling down because the winds were really getting strong.

So, Coburg came. Walked to MK's Kebabs. On the way there, we say a tree that had fallen onto a car. Other than that, we, ourselves were getting blown off our feet. Course, we giggled about being blown off our feet because of the wind. We've had winds like this before, but we didn't realise how serious it would get later on.
So, holy fuck is all I can say to Coburg Kebabs. What a yum kebab.They put so much in it and I definitely need to be at the gym for 3 hours to work all that crap off.

Other than that, Dianne had to go off to work, and I had to drop John off to uni, since he got a ride in my car to Coburg/city/back and his car stayed at uni.

On the way back to uni, the amount of branches that had fallen down, had been scattered all over the roads and cut off the power to come traffic lights. (Was wondering why I was driving straight for a long time without stopping at a red light ...).

Anyway, that's it from me. If you haven't heard about the crazy winds in Melbourne, feel free to read it here.

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