Saturday 10 May 2008

shops are choccas today.

so i went to work today, wondering what to do with my mothers present today.
so after work, i went home very quickly to pick up a ring that i need to get engraved.

... it's for my friend in Norway, Sandra. I told her I'd send it like last year. I've had the ring for so long already. So i got the words "Unhearted" engraved on it, in italics. "Unhearted" is a song from a band called Automatic LoveLetter.

Anyway, I don't have much else to say. I'm actually really tired right now. heh. Oh, i finally got a new pair of contacts. Since the car crash last year, I lost them, probably in the crash.

So yeah, mums present. I got her a ring from Salera's. $149. Mum wanted one from Michael Hill for $39. $39!!! Cheap ass. I'm not cheap ass. (Well, when it comes to my parents, i'm no cheap ass!), so hopefully she likes it ... *fingers crossed* (Btw, if you're going to google Salera's website, it's a really shitty made website!)

Anyway, I can't even find a picture of it on the site. It's not for sale in the catalogue and right now I can't actually be bothered. Hehehehe.

Anyway, everyone enjoy your weekend.
Happy Mothers Day for tomorrow! Give your mothers a huge hug from me. (Yes, say it's from Mary Ann, a complete stranger!)

Hasta Luego.

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