Saturday 17 May 2008

Happy Norway Day!!!!

Gratulerer med dagen!
Despite the horrid weather (rain all day), I hope all the Norwegian people in Melbourne, Australia have a safe and happy Norway Day!!
Totally wish I went to celebrate at Albert Park tonight, but unfortunately I couldn't.
BUT, I am going on the march which is tomorrow in Toorak (I think. Need to double check everything), where I will be stocking up on Norwegian flags! HURRA!
Anyway, this is short, but sweet, as I have to head off to work and then go see the boyfriend. It's our 1 month anniversary!
Chau chau. xoxo.


Anonymous said...

WATEROO!!! Sorry it's been so long for me to post a reply! I have been reading them all though =) Guess what. IM FREE. I'm OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL FOREVER!!! W00T!! Graduation is coming up on like... Saturday, but I can't believe it. ANYWAYS, so happy Norway Day!!! Your love for Norway is like my love for France XD

And are you officially dating Seb??? Why did I not hear of this? :o

m3zz massacre said...

Hi Squishy,

Actually Seb and I broke up. Haha. We're "too different". We have different views about stuff, and is only actually after one thing. Like he'll treat a girl really good and stuff and in return he only wants *cough* ... Hehe.

Aww your love for France!! hehe.
Norway day was great. I only have like 2 pictures from Sunday though, of the flag. Heh. But it's still good. I'll upload it all soon!!