Thursday 10 July 2008

i don't understand some people.

For a person that is pretty sensitive and emotional, some words people can say to you can be pretty damn hurtful, especially when you haven't done anything wrong to them. Better yet, you don't even know them.

I guess, we'll always have people like that in the world. we all have feelings. If you don't like something. keep it to yourself.

See, it was my 22nd birthday. My friends organised a party for me because usually every year I don't do anything.
Even for my 21st. It's suppose to be the biggest, since you're now considered an adult... what was i doing? nothing. i was still on clinical rotation over in my psych placement on my 21st. i came home to nothing made. no special food to celebrate my day. nothing. even better, nobody was home to say "happy 21st" to me. my birthday has pretty much been like that probably since i was 16-17.

now, for 22. i get lashed out as being "miserable" because they took it as I had the best night ever because i was drunk.

yeah, lash out at me again over this entry, but i sure need to vent out how pissed off and upset i am.

and this person wrote to me before asking what god meant to me and i never replied.
for a person thats been through a lot in her life, you develop mixed feelings about everything, even your own religion where you thought God wasn't there for you. even now, i'm trying to sort my troubled self out and trying to find God in my life. Troubled doesn't mean i'm screaming at everyone, telling them to " 'Eff off". I'm not like that. When I need time to myself, I just withdraw.

I'm a pretty strong believer of Karma. I don't like drama. I avoid it when I can (hence why when this person wrote back to me, i left it). But I did report it. I don't stand for people talking down to me. Well, sometimes I do. Hah. But this was on a religious site. Where you can report when people give you shit over some little thing you did. I didn't get drunk and vandalised anything. I dind't get drunk and beat someone up. I didn't drink and drive. I was with great friends that took care of me.

So for this person, I did write back saying:
"Excuse me? You don't know me. And you claim I'm miserable because of it? Excuse me if I have a life. Excuse me if was my birthday. Excuse me if I've never known what it felt like to be drunk.It was the best day ever because I was with my closest friends that have been there through thick and thin.Seriously, people like you, I don't like. So get it through your head that it was the best birthday ever because I've finally found friends that won't turn their backs on me. SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "

Urgh, I'm just trying to calm myself down now with some Ben Harper.


Anonymous said...

Aww Wateroo, don't worry. You should just let it bounce off. You had a good time and that's what matters! ^^ That's awesome your friends planned it out for you, that means they actually care! I didn't do anything special either... things just tend to fall on my b-day, like trips or other events.

Anyways, WHOEVER UPSETS MY WATEROO IS GOING TO HAVE TO FACE ME! *smacks chest* So whoever they were needs to back off.

Squishy loves you! =3

Anonymous said...

Ewww. What a NONG! He's just being a stupid rat face. If he didn't like what he was reading, why didn't he just go. Instead he told you, you were miserable because of it.

He's a stupid guy that has nothing better to do than bring people down and make them feel like shit.

Anonymous said...

Who's messing with my little peace activist? NOT-COOL-AT-ALL!