Wednesday 23 July 2008

start of uni ... should i be stressed?

so the start of uni is starting this week. i don't know whether i should be stressing out or not.

still finishing off applications and everything.
i finally sent my friend sandra a package i was meaning to send to her like 6 months ago. made me feel pretty good. i've been so behind on catching up with keeping friends overseas. been pretty good with that and on the top of it all lately.

i'm not too sure if i'm sad or excited to start uni. due to the fact that i'll only have uni for another 6 months before i will be working fulltime (hopefully).

this is only a short entry saying that i'm fineeeee and i've just been pretty busy running in and out of the house.

other than that, i've done a little partying. a little this and that.
had my spanish exam on the tuesday. i'm pretty sure i did alright. it was pretty easy, kinda. not too bad.

anyway, i'd better run, clean my room a bit and then prepare for uni tomorrow and then seeing the boy. heh.

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