Tuesday 30 September 2008

13 weeks til Christmas.

My gawd, how this year has flown past. Usually just before the new year kicks in, I tend to sit down and reflect on the past year. My acheivements, losses, memorable days and days I wished never happened. At the same time, I'm a year older, a year wiser, more excited that my life is molding into how I want it to be.
There's still so many things I plan on doing before "settling" down. Doubt I would. Ha. I want to learn as much as I can, although they say we never stop learning. I'd still like to learn and see everything in this world before it's my time to go (hopefully not soon *knock on wood*)

So in other news. My vegetarianism, has given me problems off and on. Well, pesca-vegetarian, if we must say. On good days, I'm fine and I can continue on with my day normally. On other days, I can't find the energy to get up. I get tired really early and I can't concentrate properly. Urgh. I use to get very sick when I was a full vegetarian. One dietician actually told me to try pesca-vegetarianism, which only included eating fish and no other meat. Took a while to actually convince me to try it, but I did. Only because Omega 3 pills were completely useless to me and had little or no great effect what-so-ever. So fish, has been ... hmm, ok. On ocassion, I can still feel myself growing very tired, very early. It never use to bother me, but now, it slightly is.
I can't afford to start feeling like this when exams and assignments are due so soon. Urgh, oh well. I will pull through.

So today, nothing much planned. Uni. Boring, but that's basically it. I should really start with assignments. Well, my final paper should be on the top of my priority list, but I've been slacking off way too much in my final semester of my final university year. I don't think I can afford to do that right? Right.
A change of plans have occured and I will be cleaning my room first (spring cleaning), since I can't really start studying and concentrating, knowing that my room is a pigsty. I would do it after this blog, but I plan on early studying. Oh my. Screw the cleaning, that can wait. (Yes, I'm slowly finding the motivation to start studying instead of last minute studying!) I'm planning a month ahead I guess, when I know I should of planned a while back, but I've given myself plenty of time to indulge myself in my oh so entertaining unversity books. Gag.

So, I'm off to make myself another cup of tea and study away.

Happy 21st Natalie. My gorgeous cousin is all grown up! Seems like only yesterday we were only little kids running around like crazy people and playing with barbies.

Happy Two Weeks. :) xoxoxoxo


Anonymous said...

MEZZ DAWG! What a hippie stunner. Modern hippy? Miss you gal!

міѕѕ маяуаии said...

Eeeek! LEONIE!

Hippie stunner? I'm no hippie. Hah. Well, I don't think so. Semi-hippie?