Thursday 4 September 2008

41 days.

So, yesterday marked 40 days of my grandfathers death. Apparently, this plays a really big part in the Filipino community. The scariest thing my friend D said was that on the 40th day of death, the spirit of the person that died, actually comes back (a ghost) and wonders around. She was telling me, that her grandfather was walking around the streets in the Philippines on his 40th day of death and that her mother and her brother both heard his footsteps walking up the stairs.

It actually made me think. If grandpa was to come back on the 40th day of death, what would I hear? Then I was thinking of funny things that he use to do. Dragging his slippers on the floor when he walked, talking a leak outside in the wee early hours of the morning, his dentures clicking together everytime he chewed his food? Those were the days. And I'll miss them.
- But all in all. I didn't hear anything. I fell asleep straight away when I got home (which was like past 12 or something. I can't remember). My cousins Natalie, John and I were watching Sister Act, but we started getting super tired and decided to head home. I also got my computer that Leonard built for me (John's brother).

But yeah, one of the reasons why I decided to write was because of the mass at Johns place. In particular, the boy/man who held the mass, along with his 3 youth workers (all very young teens! 1 boy, 2 girls).
Anyway, funnily enough, the boy/man (young male adult??) who lead the mass, went to Primary School with me. We were in the same year level and he was a close friend of mine back in the days. I was completely taken aback that he decided to change his career path and choose to become a Brother. Don't get me wrong. I'm not against it. I just never pictured him becoming a brother. I think it's awesome that he chose that path. I, being a born and raised Catholic, never really understood the Bible Studies and such. Hopefully, he'll bring me back down and help me understand more.

So yeah, I spoke to the 2 youth girls, Rachel and Nathalie. The boy was pretty quiet. Had no clue who he was. Hah. Nathalie was the biggest crack up with her random question "Is Latin a language?". And she wants to be a nun? It was funny, but yeah, they got my number (no, I'm not like that). They got my number to tell me to go to their youth group ... in DEER PARK!? I kinda had to double think it through because Deer Park is a fair way from where I am. And considering that I have to work on the Sundays and their youth is every 1st and 4th Sunday of the month at 1 - 4pm. I don't think I would be able to go, since I usually finish work at around 1pm. It would take me like 45 minutes or more to get there, and with petrol prices still a bit retarded, I still don't know. I might join the youths in my area, well since the church is like a 15 minute walk from my house.

But yeah, other than that. Assignments are stupid and I hate them. So, things that I need to get ontop of:
  1. Family and Child Health (Paedieatric Nursing) Assignment. (September 9)
  2. Transcultural (Cultural Diveristy) Assignment. (September 12)
  3. Oncology and Palliative Care Assignment. (September 25)
  4. Professional Studies 2 Assignment 2.
  5. Apply for Graduation.

Gah, so many things to do and I can't find the motivation to do it. But now, I have to force myself to. Before it's too late and I find I'm staying up at night doing it.


Anonymous said...

I hate having so many assignments. I haven't even started!! :( Help! :P

Anonymous said...

I can see Family and Child Health still haven't been finished :P

Anonymous said...

college is a lot of work for me, Wateroo D: I would hate to imagine how it's for you!! Just breathe and you'll get through it all x3

Lubba jooz! <3