Sunday 31 August 2008

For You.

So, yeah this is for someone. I think they know who they are. Bwahaha. Well, because I told them? =/

If I could have just one wish,I would wish to wake up everydayto the sound of your breath on my neck,the warmth of your lips on my cheek,the touch of your fingers on my skin,and the feel of your heart beating with mine...Knowing that I could never find that feelingwith anyone other than you.
- Courtney Kuchta -

A Wish
I lie on the ground,and stare into space,the stars start to move,into the shape of your face.
I see you there now,looking down at me,with that cute little smile,that I like to see.
You say "close your eyes","tell me what you see",I see only two people,just you and me.
We're walking the shoreline,with our feet getting wet,the horizon turns pink,as the sun starts to set.
We make love through the night,on that white sandy shore,then I hold you while thinking,I could want nothing more.
Oh I wish I could be,in that one special place,as I lie on the ground,and I stare into space...
- Randy Schutte -


Anonymous said...

Hvem er det spesielle noen?

міѕѕ маяуаии said...

Hmmmmm. Ikkje du, kjær. Dessverre. Heh

Anonymous said...

Aww, hvorfor?

міѕѕ маяуаии said...

Fordi, lovet jeg noen at jeg ville gjøre noe for dem. Hehe, fordi de er spesiell.

Ikkje ordspråk som du er ikke. Du vet...

Anonymous said...

du er søt Mary Ann!

міѕѕ маяуаии said...

hehehe, tusen takk hilde =D