Tuesday 26 August 2008

updates are lacking ...

I know, I know.
I've been hiding somewhere. I don't know where. =/

Anyway, this is my final week of my clinical rotation and I'm loving every minute of it. Some guy this morning had a biopsy done and I got to scrub in. He had this massive lump, which we (surgeons, myself and the other scrub nurse) were able to feel outside on his skin. Once the surgeon (who was the most awesomest ... if that's even a word these days CHICK ever!) She cut the man open, and even let me put my hand inside to actually feel the lump. Inside the patient like waaah, it was freaking awesome, saw intestines, twice today.
That was the first surgery, the 2nd, was a resection of the duodeum or something and they pulled the intestines out (not physically), just to look underneath it. It was pretty awesome stuff.

Other than that, it's my grandpa's 1 month anniversary of death. I didn't have time to go to the cemetery, since my clinical rotation time is basically 8am - 5pm. Plus today I had to put one of my spinal patients to bed. I'm so tired right now. I'm just in bed writing an update, since I haven't in a while (like a proper update) and after, I'll do my pharmacology log and stuff for my last appraisal for Thursday.

Funny about clinicals. My clinical teachers name is Andrew. And he knows my cousin, because he's an ICU (Intensive Care Unit) nurse. Funny stuff.

Hmm what else has been happening .. hmm. Friday, Dianne and I went out. Well she invited me out to have dinner with her and her friend Rikki (boy). So she picked me up and we went to Melbourne Central to meet him. Stupidly enough, he was "tipsy" (tipsy = drunk). It wasn't ANY fun at all. It ended up he wanted Dianne to give him a lift to his house. He paid for dinner, which Dianne and I weren't cool about, so we gave him money and shit and he was being a stupid drunk asshole and Dianne cracked the shits and was like "You know what? I'm not fucking taking you home", and pretty much just stormed off. It was pretty awesome, since I've never really seen D crack like that. Whoo hoo!

So yeah, we ended up walking around the city, and some girl gave us a pass to this club and I swear to God, she was Norwegian!! hah
Meh, thhhheeenn, we had a craving for ice cream, but the one at Melbourne Central was closed. We decided to drive to Lygon Street in search for ice cream. Heh.

D called her friend Jerlyn and we went to pick her up, since she lives in the city anyway. She was "babysitting". I put it like that because she was looking after her 16 year old nephew. Haha. So we picked them up and went driving to find ice cream.
We eventually found it and this waiter was Canadian and was suuuuuper cute. Looked a little like Ben Lee. But yeah, he got my order wrong, but we don't blame him. He was new. heh.

Ok, well I'm going to leave it at this because I'm suuuper tired and I still have a lot of things to do.

Oh oh, and belated Happy Birthday to Cathy boo. (I'm sowwie!)

Ciao. xoxoxoxoxo


Anonymous said...

Hey u forgot to mention that u forgot my bday on the 21st ! :(
And that im canadian too okay !
Im supose to be ur favorite canadian ever !!! ^-^

Anonymous said...

Thank U :)
Thats betta :D lol

міѕѕ маяуаии said...


You are very very welcome Cathy :D
Comment me on Facebooook!

Anonymous said...

Om tid oppdaterte du! :)

міѕѕ маяуаии said...

Omg you're on. Anonymous my ass!

Hehehe, jajaja, jeg vet :P