Thursday 17 April 2008

Have a break. Have a ... tic tac?

The title comes from the wise words of my friend Dianne. She got the product mixed up. Was suppose to be Kit Kat. I haven't blogged since Friday. I have no idea who even reads this blog.
Hence why I usually shut down blogs like this. (A way to get you readers to bloody comment! Hehe). Random.

Anyway, REWIND.

So, we went out on Friday night right. We were all looking forward to that day. Virgin Clubber is seriously a Virgin Clubber. A player, An asshole, A Loser, A Jackass, A mole, An up-himself bastard, etc. You name it, he probably is it. Oh, and a liar. He was literally only there to pick up chicks. Not to have a good time with us, when most of the time when he was attempting to dance, his head was wondering around looking for some hoes to take home. Nah, I don't know. But I do know one thing. I'm not going to let ANYONE use me or my friends. If he wants to pick up some girls at a club for a one night stand, then he can do it in his own time. He shouldn't have to drag us around with him to do it. It's not fair.

Ok, so that was Friday night. Moving onto ... Tuesday.

Anyway, I got up at around 6am, to get ready and be out of the house before 7am. I had to get a car park at the train station before I missed out. Hah. Last week the carpark was full by 7:25am. Not good.

Weird ass people kept looking at me on the train. I don't know if it was due to the fact that my music was blaring into my ears full blast or I looked like I was stoned. I was wayyy too tired and blaring the music, was the only thing that was keeping me awake.

I had Sushi for breakfast. Who the hell has Sushi for breakfast, other than me? I also had a red bull. I was literally that tired. The Red Bull didn't last for long though. =(

For lunch, we went to La Matador in Smith Street. We decided to have a dish called "La Paella". A Spanish dish, our Spanish teacher Marta recommended we go and try out. So we did. So a dish of La Paella was around $24 per person, but this is what our La Paella looked like.

Marisco means seafood in Spanish. (More of the pictures can be seen on my Flickr page.)
I don't think La Paella was made for just 2 people. Dianne and I found it completely impossible to finish off the dish, and it could have easily feed a further 2 people.

Of course, overall, the dish was simply sublime. A bit oily here and there, but delicious.

After that, we went back to the RMIT library to study for a bit. Surprisingly, I was in the study mood and have been ever since! hehe. YAAAAY. We studied for just about over and hour. Or an hour and a half probably. Not too bad. Then we went for a bit of a shop, looking for a bag for me. No such luck, but that's alright. I can try and find something soon. Before next Spanish class hopefully!

So, what else has been happening? Nothing much. Went to uni. The class waited for about 30 minutes for our teacher to show up. She made the mistake of marking the class down for 3:30 ... come on ... 3:30. Like damn. Other than that, it was alright. I was forcing myself to concentrate in class, then I was gonna go to Rebel sport to buy a new bag because my bag broke. (A lot of my bags break because it's too heavy). *Sigh*. So, maybe tomorrow, after gym and work, I'll go and find a bag to replace my broken one. =( Maybe a rad sports bag. Teheh. So much to do. Thank God, I don't have class tomorrow. I'm so behind in my studying. I have to get my butt down to study hard.

Anyway, best be off. This entry is pretty long already I think and I have to get things organised for gym tomorrow, then work, then possibly meeting up with a friend for a coffee and shopping for a bag. Hmm, we'll just have to see. =)

Hope everyone is having an awesome week and if I don't write by the weekend, an awesome weekend too!

Chau chau.


Anonymous said...

Wateroooo please don't shut your blog down. You should do it more for your own sake than other people. It's good to have a log on your life =) it's fun to go back and read when your older!

And I say lose the VC!!! He sounds like such a dead weight!! What a jerk. Lol "attempting to dance" does he suck? xD You should just leave him there on his own and go to a different club *nod nod* Drop him!

You sound like you had such a long day! And I've had paella before!! Its definitely a BIG dish.

You're so affluent in languages, Wateroo. I hope I get as good as you. Now I need to get into the study mood too. I have tests coming up =.=

Good luck with bag shopping!

m3zz massacre said...

Hi my little Squishy squishy!

I won't shut my blog down! Heh.
And I totally agree. We were thinking of leaving Virgin Clubber there, but one of our gay guy friends is totally in love with him. But he does seem like a dead weight, even asking our gay friend "How do I approach them?". Pfft, if he wants to pick up, it's his problem.

I did have a long day. I've been figuring out what to do these days, other than study so I won't get too bored. Heh.

Will email you soon!! =)
*huggles squishy*

runarius said...

Nice blog, loved reading it.
I agree with squishy on VC hehe. Hmm, sushi for breakfast is a bit unusual:P I cant come up wih anything more to write at the moment, but it was fun to get to read your blog:)