Friday 11 April 2008

Goodbye old. Hello new ...



We FINALLY got our new fence built. Like over a week later. Poor dogs couldn't go outside to take a piss or a shit. (Excuse the profanity.) But now, after a week and ...hmm 2 days later.

It was a pretty quick job as well. I mean the builders came and literally finished in just over an hour and a half and that was with the cement and everything. Like wow! If they were that quick at their job, why did it take so bloody long to come and fix our fence.

Other than that, I've realised that I haven't written for nearly a week and I thought I should write something ... I guess quick and brief, as I have to go shower, go to work, come back home and get ready to go out. Clubbing clubbing clubbing.

One of our friends is going to join us yet again for the 2nd time. He's a bit of a virgin clubber, as he likes to leave his drinks on a table where people can easily put drugs in, and he likes to leave his jacket lying somewhere. Like seriously ... "Have you never been clubbing before?" What a serious virgin clubber. He spoils the party too. He usually leaves around 1AM, or 1:15AM, because he has to go to sleep, and blah blah blah. Come onnnnnnn! You have to be kidding me. My friends and I go clubbing and don't get home til around 5AM. Like damn. 1AM is stupid really. It's too early to go home. Especially if you're not working the next day, there's no reason to go home early.

Even I don't go home at 1AM, and I work at 10AM, Saturday morning.

So, my week has been pretty good. For the first time ever I actually found myself concentrating in High Dependency. I was like WOWOWOW! I'm usually half asleep during that lecture and really dead once he commences after we had a break. I need to still review my High Dependecy notes (notice I have crossed the stuff that I've done out in my previous posts...)

And also, my daddy comes back tomorrow. So that means NEW Digital Camera for me!! Excitement everywhere. Oh, and of course, for my daddy too. =)

Other news.
THE SIMS 3!!!! (Coming in 2009)

I like seriously cannot tell you how much I have been waiting for this. This time, instead of the Sims just staying inside the house doing fuck all, they can actually go out of their houses and walk places like HU-fucking-RRAH! I'm so excited, but I mean, it's released in 2009. I'm 22 then, turning 23. I like ... need to grow up and like stop playing computer games ... NOT!

Other than that news, I don't think I have anymore news to tell.

I did, however, have a Spanish test on Tuesday. Majoy plonker maybe. I drew a complete blank when I was actually doing it. But oh well. There's always next time I guess.

I got my mummy a new phone from KMART. Hehe. Well, she was eyeing the phone in the catalogue and was pretty much hinting how much she liked it and it was the same as dads phone, yada yada. And because she had to pay $790 for the fence, and she was stressing about the lack of money she has, I bought it for her. (Yes, you know, surprisingly, I can be nice too!) So I taught her how to use it and she's on top of the moon about her new phone.

Oh oh, and last night we had a movie night at Dianne's place ... movie night which was 2 movies. Tehehehe!! The Exorcist and The Exorcism of Emily Rose. Fun fun fun. We made SUSHI! And they were like ... MASSIVE! lol. And we had chicken and Ice Tea and WAFFLES! Mmmmm Belgium Waffles. *melts* YUMMO!

Other than that ... let's see... We skipped the gym today, but we've been good and going just about everyday as planned, which I'm proud of. I should weigh myself to see if I've lost anything ... or maybe nothing at all! *shoked*.

Hmm, other than that news, I don't think I have any news left. I've covered just about everything I think, unless I remember something, I'll update it.

Now, shower time, then work, then clubbing. It shall be fun. Hope my friend doesn't leave to early, or Dianne will slap him, and I'll kick him in his manhood area ... not literally of course. *cough*

P.S - I've enabled comments so anybody can comment. Leave your name. Well, with some people, I should know who it is by the way they type lol. All stupid comments will be deleted. xD


Anonymous said...

ehehehehehe massive SUSHIIIIII lol@ virgin clubber

m3zz massacre said...

Yours was the biggest out of all of ours D. Hehe, "D". xD You put too much rice, but it was so yum.

Remember, "fuck me, fuck me". What a funny movie. AND you pausing on the girls face in Emily Rose. LOLOLOLOL.

Anonymous said...

Aaaah you watched exorcist movies? Dx I saw those movies but I was kind of freaked out at the time... 8th and 9th grade. That sounds like it was so much fun though! And with sushi! Delicioso! So many exclamation marks!

You better post about how clubbing was!!! I *must* know!

m3zz massacre said...

Hey Darling!

I will post about Clubbing a bit later. A lot of dramas concerning Virgin Clubber. He's very lame. =D

I'm working on the entry, halfway with writing it. Will post it up soon. =D

*Hugs Squishy*