Saturday 24 May 2008

All Better!

Yup, that's right. Sure enough, I was actually better the next day! Weird!

Anyway, today I went to a place called "The Warehouse" to buy myself a new desk. I have a corner desk, but because last year my parents bought me a new bed and stuff, it wouldn't fit in my room. Nevertheless, I still crammed it into my room. Now, With a new desk that's not a corner desk, my room doesn't look as cramped as before!

OK .... that was like posted a while ago. I left it as a draft to continue on with it later, but never came back to it.

Anyway, busy busy busy. Always busy studying for exams coming up.
I've already had 1 exam. My Spanish listening exam on Tuesday. Thats all done. Hopefully I passed.

Next up is my High Dependency Performance Assessment on Monday, then Tuesday Spanish Oral Exam. URGH. Thinking about it now makes me stress out. I hope I'm prepared enough for everything that's about to slap me across the face.

Anyway, just keeping this short and sweet and letting everybody know that I'm still alive and kicking.
Hope everyone has a good week.

I have a picture of the desk and such, but haven't had the time to upload it! Omg so lazy.
Oh, and to keep people updated too, Seb and I are no longer a "couple". Ended a while ago. I hate boys that only want one thing from a girl, as if we're just there for a personal pleasure instead of a normal relationship. Urgh, boys. Seriously.

Until next time, hasta luego mi amigos. xoxoxoxo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY you're better! I seriously love joo, Wateroo. You show those boys what's what! GIRL POWER! LOL let's go egg his bmw >.>

and you're going to do fine on your exams! just keep swimming! =)