Saturday 26 April 2008

orangaja = orange PART 2.

Ok, so first, I'll explain the title.

We were in Spanish class and we were learning about colours. It's not really that funny, but the word for orange in spanish is "naranja" and I was mixing up the Norwegian "oransje", and I just ended up saying "orangaja". Plain and simple. Haha.

Ok, so clubbing. Justin's reaction was not how we planned it. We were thinking "shocked", but instead we got "pissed off and very angry". Then we concluded then and there that he was homophobic because he didn't want to be around boys, so he left.

Like seriously, he only wanted to go clubbing to pick up girls and that's all, so you know, we thought we're mess around with him. We went to a gay club called Xchange. We're been there a few times, and I've been more with my other friend Jason, 2 years ago (back when I was a youngin' of only 19). Even though it's a gay club for boys, there's still lesbians and bisexuals that go there and also straight people. There were a lot of bi's and lesbians last night, which I haven't seen in a while.

Anway, I invited Seb along. At least he didn't run away! (btw, organising my Flickr account soon, so it will include pictures of clubbing. The good ones of course. Never the bad! Haha) But we didn't tell Justin it was a gay club until we went in. Well John did, since I was still very pissed off and Justin from last time we went clubbing and all he wanted to do was pick up girls. He got pissed and was like "I don't want to be around gay guys." HOMOPHOBIC! I absolutely hate homophobic people. Gays/Lesbians/Bisexuals get treated like they're some incurable disease. It's stupid. But yeah, he just left, and we didn't really care. We didn't run after him or anything. And to be honest, we really really really enjoyed ourselves last night. We took pictures (soon to be put on flickr) and this gay guy just jumped into our picture! He was so cute though!! I'll totally upload it! It's hot. Haha.

We were all dancing like freaking crazy! Seb and I were "grinding". His fault. Usually at a club where I'm dancing, I don't like to be touched. LOLOL! I just dance and dance all crazy. A bit annoying how he kept grabbing me, like damn relax bro!

So that was clubbing. We left at like almost 3am and got something to eat as Windsor. (Pizza. Dianne had pasta. We all shared the wedges.) It was yummmmmmy. I couldn't finish my pizza. Only 4 freaking slices, so I got the remaining in a little pizza box. SOOO cute. (Ate the other 2 this morning before work! Haha) Then we went home.

Damn, I came home and my mum was already home! lol. Like shit. Haha. But that was pretty much the night we had.

I figured I won't explain about Seb yet, until I'm absolutely ready and I know that he's not "playing around." He'll get his ass kicked by me for sure! But he does drive a BMW. Haha. Oh la la. Sexy.

This should be all for now. Here's a picture of the night.

L-R: John, Dianne and I.


[Edit] - Justin sent a text message to John saying "Sorry for overeacting".

Friday 25 April 2008

orangaja = orange ?

Ok, this is gonna be like so short. I'm so busy today. I have to head off to work, so I will deff. update this probably tomorrow, since I'm going clubbing again. (Yes, we're also bringing the dead weight Virgin Clubber, but we're going to a gay club. Haha, boy, will he be shocked! Loves it).

Just wanted to share a video with you. This is Dianne jumping rope with the Earphones. We were shocked with how long the Earphone cord was, and said she can jump rope with it, so she tried lol. Sorry I sound like shit, haha. But its amazing how Dianne was jumping rope and nobody even bothered looking at what the heck she was doing! Haha!!

This is another video. We took ages to find this thing called "Flip Flop", like a flower that works on solar power. It was freaking awesome. Then we eventually found it, and Dianne's flower was a dud. Dianne's flower was green, mine is blue. Dianne got a new one after that. An orange one. Btw, I was filming this at the RMIT library in the city.

things to do bro:

  • explain orangaja.
  • tell everyone about clubbing.
  • seb.

Monday 21 April 2008

"Hello?" ... "... Hello?"

currently listening to: next to you - jordin sparks

Yes, I know the title needs to be explained.

Dianne and I wetnt to the gym yesterday (Sunday) and after that we went to KMART to do some shopping shopping. I, btw, FINALLY got a bag. It's massive. I can fit my whole head in it (like most bags), I guess with mine, you can fit 2 heads. But it's awesome.
Anyway, we decided to go to Hungry Jacks to have dinner because we were pretty hungry after shopping. We parked the car and went into Hungry Jacks, but there was only like 1 register open and the line was sooooo long, so we decided to just go through drive thru.
We went up to the speaker part where they're suppose to great you and everything and you tell them your order, BUT, when we went to the speaker, nobody was there to ask, so first I was like "Where's the person that talks? .... Hello??". Then Dianne went closer to the speaker and said "...Hello??". We giggled a bit, but then we heard "...Hello??" come from the speaker. We broke out into laughter. It might not be too funny reading it, but it was totally worth being there.

This entry it a bit of a quick entry to just keep everyone updated with what I've been up to. Woot!

There's a Norwegian movie called "Reprise" showing on Wednesday night at RMIT in the city campus and I'm deff. going. It's gonna be so exciting! I'm taking a friend of mine called Mathew. Then the next day he's going to Vietnam for 2 weeks. Anyway, so yeah, "Reprise". My friend Sandra from Trondheim said it was "boring"! Damn, it has Espen from "Bare Bea" (Just Bea) for all those sick minded people that are thinking otherwise. So, I'm so seeing it. C'mon, ESPEN! Heh.

Ok, so other news. BOYS! Ok, holy shit. The boys just seem to be storming into my life like there is no tomorrow!! So I've been talking to this guy, Mathew. (Yes, he's the one seeing the Norwegian move with me on Wednesday. I don't know about him. Seems a bit too serious and a bit too boring for my liking, but I've recently been stopped in my tracks by this guy called Seb. He seems so cool. But who's to say that. I've only spoken to him once on the phone. Who knows. All this boys one day. I drop one to go for the other, to find out the one I picked was the wrong one. Buffffff. Oh well, I'll figure it out.

So recently, I've been waking up in the middle of the night. (3AM to be exact) or usually around 3:15, 3:30, etc and it's so weird. Apparently the devils hour is 3am, but I mean, I'm posessed? LOL. Maybe it's due to too much Emily Rose. I do wake up at like 3am, but it's to go to the toilet. No smelling of smoke or anything in the room.

My mum made the most amazing pastry the other day. No meat, just vegetables. But she did make the mistake of buying the wrong pastry for the next batch. Still, it was pretty yum. I guess the wrong pastry she bought was pastry for like apple pies or like pie stuff. Still. Bloody brilliant.

Spanish tomorrow! Another early morning to get up and do all this shit before going to the train. *sigh* How annoying. But it shall be all good. :D

Anyway, I have nothing else to talk about, and yes, I do realise this is only a short entry. Meh, nothing really exciting happened, or if there has, I'll update this entry.

Chau chau.

Thursday 17 April 2008

Have a break. Have a ... tic tac?

The title comes from the wise words of my friend Dianne. She got the product mixed up. Was suppose to be Kit Kat. I haven't blogged since Friday. I have no idea who even reads this blog.
Hence why I usually shut down blogs like this. (A way to get you readers to bloody comment! Hehe). Random.

Anyway, REWIND.

So, we went out on Friday night right. We were all looking forward to that day. Virgin Clubber is seriously a Virgin Clubber. A player, An asshole, A Loser, A Jackass, A mole, An up-himself bastard, etc. You name it, he probably is it. Oh, and a liar. He was literally only there to pick up chicks. Not to have a good time with us, when most of the time when he was attempting to dance, his head was wondering around looking for some hoes to take home. Nah, I don't know. But I do know one thing. I'm not going to let ANYONE use me or my friends. If he wants to pick up some girls at a club for a one night stand, then he can do it in his own time. He shouldn't have to drag us around with him to do it. It's not fair.

Ok, so that was Friday night. Moving onto ... Tuesday.

Anyway, I got up at around 6am, to get ready and be out of the house before 7am. I had to get a car park at the train station before I missed out. Hah. Last week the carpark was full by 7:25am. Not good.

Weird ass people kept looking at me on the train. I don't know if it was due to the fact that my music was blaring into my ears full blast or I looked like I was stoned. I was wayyy too tired and blaring the music, was the only thing that was keeping me awake.

I had Sushi for breakfast. Who the hell has Sushi for breakfast, other than me? I also had a red bull. I was literally that tired. The Red Bull didn't last for long though. =(

For lunch, we went to La Matador in Smith Street. We decided to have a dish called "La Paella". A Spanish dish, our Spanish teacher Marta recommended we go and try out. So we did. So a dish of La Paella was around $24 per person, but this is what our La Paella looked like.

Marisco means seafood in Spanish. (More of the pictures can be seen on my Flickr page.)
I don't think La Paella was made for just 2 people. Dianne and I found it completely impossible to finish off the dish, and it could have easily feed a further 2 people.

Of course, overall, the dish was simply sublime. A bit oily here and there, but delicious.

After that, we went back to the RMIT library to study for a bit. Surprisingly, I was in the study mood and have been ever since! hehe. YAAAAY. We studied for just about over and hour. Or an hour and a half probably. Not too bad. Then we went for a bit of a shop, looking for a bag for me. No such luck, but that's alright. I can try and find something soon. Before next Spanish class hopefully!

So, what else has been happening? Nothing much. Went to uni. The class waited for about 30 minutes for our teacher to show up. She made the mistake of marking the class down for 3:30 ... come on ... 3:30. Like damn. Other than that, it was alright. I was forcing myself to concentrate in class, then I was gonna go to Rebel sport to buy a new bag because my bag broke. (A lot of my bags break because it's too heavy). *Sigh*. So, maybe tomorrow, after gym and work, I'll go and find a bag to replace my broken one. =( Maybe a rad sports bag. Teheh. So much to do. Thank God, I don't have class tomorrow. I'm so behind in my studying. I have to get my butt down to study hard.

Anyway, best be off. This entry is pretty long already I think and I have to get things organised for gym tomorrow, then work, then possibly meeting up with a friend for a coffee and shopping for a bag. Hmm, we'll just have to see. =)

Hope everyone is having an awesome week and if I don't write by the weekend, an awesome weekend too!

Chau chau.

Friday 11 April 2008

Goodbye old. Hello new ...



We FINALLY got our new fence built. Like over a week later. Poor dogs couldn't go outside to take a piss or a shit. (Excuse the profanity.) But now, after a week and ...hmm 2 days later.

It was a pretty quick job as well. I mean the builders came and literally finished in just over an hour and a half and that was with the cement and everything. Like wow! If they were that quick at their job, why did it take so bloody long to come and fix our fence.

Other than that, I've realised that I haven't written for nearly a week and I thought I should write something ... I guess quick and brief, as I have to go shower, go to work, come back home and get ready to go out. Clubbing clubbing clubbing.

One of our friends is going to join us yet again for the 2nd time. He's a bit of a virgin clubber, as he likes to leave his drinks on a table where people can easily put drugs in, and he likes to leave his jacket lying somewhere. Like seriously ... "Have you never been clubbing before?" What a serious virgin clubber. He spoils the party too. He usually leaves around 1AM, or 1:15AM, because he has to go to sleep, and blah blah blah. Come onnnnnnn! You have to be kidding me. My friends and I go clubbing and don't get home til around 5AM. Like damn. 1AM is stupid really. It's too early to go home. Especially if you're not working the next day, there's no reason to go home early.

Even I don't go home at 1AM, and I work at 10AM, Saturday morning.

So, my week has been pretty good. For the first time ever I actually found myself concentrating in High Dependency. I was like WOWOWOW! I'm usually half asleep during that lecture and really dead once he commences after we had a break. I need to still review my High Dependecy notes (notice I have crossed the stuff that I've done out in my previous posts...)

And also, my daddy comes back tomorrow. So that means NEW Digital Camera for me!! Excitement everywhere. Oh, and of course, for my daddy too. =)

Other news.
THE SIMS 3!!!! (Coming in 2009)

I like seriously cannot tell you how much I have been waiting for this. This time, instead of the Sims just staying inside the house doing fuck all, they can actually go out of their houses and walk places like HU-fucking-RRAH! I'm so excited, but I mean, it's released in 2009. I'm 22 then, turning 23. I like ... need to grow up and like stop playing computer games ... NOT!

Other than that news, I don't think I have anymore news to tell.

I did, however, have a Spanish test on Tuesday. Majoy plonker maybe. I drew a complete blank when I was actually doing it. But oh well. There's always next time I guess.

I got my mummy a new phone from KMART. Hehe. Well, she was eyeing the phone in the catalogue and was pretty much hinting how much she liked it and it was the same as dads phone, yada yada. And because she had to pay $790 for the fence, and she was stressing about the lack of money she has, I bought it for her. (Yes, you know, surprisingly, I can be nice too!) So I taught her how to use it and she's on top of the moon about her new phone.

Oh oh, and last night we had a movie night at Dianne's place ... movie night which was 2 movies. Tehehehe!! The Exorcist and The Exorcism of Emily Rose. Fun fun fun. We made SUSHI! And they were like ... MASSIVE! lol. And we had chicken and Ice Tea and WAFFLES! Mmmmm Belgium Waffles. *melts* YUMMO!

Other than that ... let's see... We skipped the gym today, but we've been good and going just about everyday as planned, which I'm proud of. I should weigh myself to see if I've lost anything ... or maybe nothing at all! *shoked*.

Hmm, other than that news, I don't think I have any news left. I've covered just about everything I think, unless I remember something, I'll update it.

Now, shower time, then work, then clubbing. It shall be fun. Hope my friend doesn't leave to early, or Dianne will slap him, and I'll kick him in his manhood area ... not literally of course. *cough*

P.S - I've enabled comments so anybody can comment. Leave your name. Well, with some people, I should know who it is by the way they type lol. All stupid comments will be deleted. xD

Sunday 6 April 2008

Daylight savings sucks monkey balls.

I don't think I can stress enough how much I hate daylight savings. It confuses the hell out of me. Not only did I not know you had to put the clock back one hour, I end up putting the clock forward for my client at work. God, I really hope that he knows that it's really an hour back ... otherwise he'd be shocked that i came to work a hour early, even worse, he's still sleeping when I get there. I doubt he would be, since there's another carer that goes into his house before I do.

I don't understand the whole purpose of daylight savings. Why can't we just leave the time as it is and like ... never change it. It would be farrrrr easier to do so, instead of all of us fiddling around with the gay turny thing at the back of the clock. And actually having to change the time for every clock in the house. Imagine you had like a mansion and had like clocks everywhere. Geez, enjoy turning all those clocks and hour back or forwards.

Other than that, I thought daylight savings was last week, my mobile phone went back an hour last week and I ended up being late for work. Thanks a lot daylight savings.

Other than talking about daylight savings, nothing exciting happened. I went to work this morning. Dianne and I went to the gym for 1.5 hours today. YAY for gym. I've been everyday. I'm proud of myself! After that, when to work, where I stupidly put my clients clock one hour forward instead of backwards and now I'm home, in bed, chatting online to my norwegian boys. HEHEHE!! And typing this entry, mainly about my hatred for daylight savings.

That should be enough venting about daylight savings day.

Ending on a good note ... I get to sleep in for an extra hour. =D

Friday 4 April 2008

Det er kaldt, og det blåser.

Hmm, I may have just screwed up my sleeping pattern. We'll just have to wait and see.

My friend and I went to the gym this morning and worked out for 2.5 hours, before having a quick lunch and then going to class. I'm surprised I could actually stay awake through it, although I was yawning a lot.

I took some pictures today of the tree branches that had fallen down. Unfortunately, I had to resort in taking the pictures with my camera phone. This, however, will only be for another 9 days. My dad bought me a Sony Digital Camera just before he went overseas, but since it was from Duty Free, I can't get it until he comes back from his trip. So here are some of the pictures from today. Btw, these pictures were taken from University.

So, right now, I'm just sitting ... lying here, watching "What A Girl Wants" on DVD, whilst typing this entry.
I have a few things to do tomorrow/the weekend that I need to get on top of.
  1. Review High Dependency lecture notes.
  2. Study for Spanish test/exam (whatever) on Tuesday.
  3. Clean room.
  4. Clean out boxes in cupboard and take out everything that needs to go into recycling.
  5. Wash the dogs... (maybe)
  6. Call the bank.
  7. Daylight savings (Saturday)
  8. Clean out junk/unwanted crap off computer.
I will be crossing out the ones that I've done once I've actually done them. =P

Anyway, this is only just a short entry. I might not write tomorrow. Or I may. Depends on what happens tomorrow that is really worth writing about.
Anyway, I should be heading off to bed. Working tomorrow morning. Yay for money!

Wednesday 2 April 2008

The start of something OLD.

Hmm, ok, let's be honest. This would basically have to be my 10 millionth time I have tried to start an online blog and failed. But it's time that I start again. This time setting a challenge for myself to see how long I can actually last, before I abandon this again!

Anyway, Wednesday today. A crazy ass day in Melbourne. My friends Dianne, John and I met up at around almost half past 8 today at the gym to start working out. We signed up to the gym at uni for $38 a month for 9 months. We're also planning to go every single day. (I wonder who long that will last for. =/) So far, we've been good. Well, it's only been Day 1 for us. We're meeting again tomorrow at 7AM to go to the gym before we head off to class. Then hopefully that night, we'll be going to the Body Balance class they have on.

After that, we headed off to Coburg (Dianne and I had to hand in a little introduction we wrote in Spanish to our teacher!). So we dumped our cars at Coburg station and caught the train. Little did we know, the wind was starting to pick up. Dirt in our eyes. The works. Took some Photos. Hopefully I'll upload some up later, once I get the pictures off her.

We got off at Melbourne Central and decided to grab a quick bite to eat. (We planned to later on have a kebab at Coburg ... it's claimed to be the best kebab place in Melbourne). I got sushi. Go figure. And I also tried something new. Something called Intari (I got plain). It's this thing, marinated in something sweet I guess. Still, taste nice.

Handed in our "Spanish Introductions" and just went walking around to Elizabeth St. to find Dianne's Phone. It was said to come out in March in Melbourne, but it's the start of April and not all shops have it. Even if they do, they don't have all the colours, hence why Dianne couldn't get it today.

We decided to go home after that, well, back to Coburg, so we got a tram back to Melbourne Central. Holy shit, the wind had started to pick up. Something didn't seem right in the weather. It was said to be around 24 and when we arrived in the city, it was pretty warm. Then the wind started up. Then trees were falling down because the winds were really getting strong.

So, Coburg came. Walked to MK's Kebabs. On the way there, we say a tree that had fallen onto a car. Other than that, we, ourselves were getting blown off our feet. Course, we giggled about being blown off our feet because of the wind. We've had winds like this before, but we didn't realise how serious it would get later on.
So, holy fuck is all I can say to Coburg Kebabs. What a yum kebab.They put so much in it and I definitely need to be at the gym for 3 hours to work all that crap off.

Other than that, Dianne had to go off to work, and I had to drop John off to uni, since he got a ride in my car to Coburg/city/back and his car stayed at uni.

On the way back to uni, the amount of branches that had fallen down, had been scattered all over the roads and cut off the power to come traffic lights. (Was wondering why I was driving straight for a long time without stopping at a red light ...).

Anyway, that's it from me. If you haven't heard about the crazy winds in Melbourne, feel free to read it here.