Wednesday 25 June 2008

4 more sleeps until my biiiiirthday!!


22. what an old fart! but i'm pretty excited!!
I seriously need a new laptop. I've been thinking of getting a mac, but a macpro is like $2699 over here and I was thinking of getting one with a norwegian keyboard. The laptop I have right now (Compaq) came with a normal keyboard, but i bought a norwegian laptop keyboard from ebay and put it on here. I find it easier to type with heh.

But then if I buy a mac, its like $1499 i think, but I'm not too sure if i can get a norwegian latop keyboard on ebay for that mac. I know for a macpro there is because i've looked it up. Hmm, the choices. I don't even know why I'm thinking of getting one. I'm broke as a joke. I guess I can dream, since it is my birthday soon.

I already know I'm getting new glasses from my parents. Because I told them, that's what I wanted lol. But I think there's another surprise in there aswell, which mum isn't telling me.
I wish it's a trip to Norway. Haha. Damn, I have my hopes too high. I highly doubt it will be that.

Soooooo, last week of clinical rotation, woooooo!
It's been ok. I've never seen so many nurses bitch about each other in the ward I'm in (Unit D - Vascular/Colorectal), but it shall pass.
I try not to get too involved in drama. I have weird anger management issues. It will turn into a bloody massacre if I unleashed my anger (hence how I got the nick name massacre!)

But that's pretty much all that has been happening. Just clinicals and working and getting overexcited about my birthday.

So now, I'm off because I need to sleep and go to work in the morning. Hehe.

Ciao ciao :]

P.S - Thanks my little squishy about the canker sore info. I've never actually heard the word "canker" before lol. Learn something new everyday they say! :] xoxo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No probs about the canker info! Mine is finally going away! : D

HAAAAAAPPPPPYYYYY BIRRRRRTHDAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! <3 <3 <3 I lubb you lots and hope you party party in honor of your special day! I turned 18 on June 20 myself!! I wish I could buy you a norwegian keyboard but i'm probably more broke then you are D: maybe when I finally come visit you I'll bring you mucho norwegian thingies!!! ^^ great success!