Friday 20 June 2008

mouth ulcers suck x 1000000

ok, so yes, i have a mouth ulcer. Actually, make that 2! (Nooo, I haven't been kissing anyone with a mouth ulcer!) ... hah. I usually get these mouth ulcers when I stress too much. (Mouth Stress ulcer?) I don't know. Maybe because of clinicals and I have to know ALLLLLL the drugs that I have to give, otherwise I'll get a warning, then 2nd time, I'll fail. And I really really really don't want to fail. I really can't AFFORD to fail!

Anyway, week one of clinicals have been alright. By Monday next week, I'll be taking a full patient load (4 patients) for the next 2 weeks. I have to know their drugs and when our clinical teachers come around, we have to tell them, what each drug is. i.e Heparin is an anticoagulant, used to prevent or to treat thromboembolic disorder, yada yada yada. Then we have to know the doses and the side effects and most likely which drugs it can't be given with. i.e Heparin cannot be given with antihistamines, digoxin ... yada yada.

I only use Heparin as an example because that's pretty much all I know. Haha, no no, not really. I know a couple of others, well the other anticoagulant drugs, but I have to know like SOOOO many. Some of the patients, especially a patient load will probably have more than 20 drugs all together. Maybe less, if they're all getting roughly the same type of drug, but I'll be spending my weekend working and studying. YAYAYAYAY! ... NOT!

Anyway, I guess in a way it will keep me pretty busy, so that should be alright. :]

Other than that, the ulcers are pissing me off BIG TIME right now. It just hurts and I'm trying not to fuss/stress over it otherwise I'll get more. They've gone down a bit which is really really good. Mouth ulcers usually go within a week, but when I don't dress and relax more, it goes within 3 days.

Anyway, I was reading about it and it got all these like sexually transmitted diseases lololol, and I literally laughed my ass off. I haven't been doing ANY of them. *puts hand on bible* I ain't that nasty! Heheh!! Still gives me the giggles just thinking about it!

Anyway, that's been my life the past couple of days, nothing too major. Pretty boringggg. The weathers been shit, until today, with only a few clouds, but I can finally see the blue sky and the suns come out. Not all shitty and raining like before.

I hope everyone's having a good week, and that you all have a safe weekend!!



Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH. YOU TOO? I HAVE A MOUTH ULCER AS WELL!!! And it won't freaking go away D: it really sucks, Wateroo. They're called canker sores here. I got one because I bit the inside of my lip really hard on accident >.< Not fun at all. Here's a link:

Hope you're doing well and don't stress too much <3

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