Monday 16 June 2008

i survived day one of torture.

Today worked out to be a pretty good day. A day of sitting down doing nothing really. Just basic orientation.
I got dumped into the Vascular / Colorectal Ward. Mmm yummy. I don't actually mind it too much. Seems pretty alright. I guess I won't get an insight on what the staff is like until I start tomorrow. It should be alright, otherwise the next ... 2 weeks will be a fucking nightmare.
Thank God, we get Friday off. I can WORK! I need the money. Like bad. Money money money. Must be funny. In a rich mans world. ... Hmm, it probably is. Probably use dollar bills to wipe their asses.

Anyway, I got a new printer today. Well, technically DAD got me a new printer because he's sending my own overseas, along with my beloved keyboard. I need money to go send money to a friend in Norway to get me a Norwegian keyboard. I'm used to the Norwegian layout and I'd like to stick with it. Heh.

I'm rearranging my room... for the 10 millionth time. Hopefully when I'm done it will look like I have more space.

Anyway, this was just a quick note before I head off that I survived today, and I'm pretty darn tooting happy about it. I thought I wasn't. And I'm like really really tired. So I'm going to quickly rearrange this room, have a shower and I'll probably call it a night.

Mmm tofu.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.