Saturday 24 May 2008

All Better!

Yup, that's right. Sure enough, I was actually better the next day! Weird!

Anyway, today I went to a place called "The Warehouse" to buy myself a new desk. I have a corner desk, but because last year my parents bought me a new bed and stuff, it wouldn't fit in my room. Nevertheless, I still crammed it into my room. Now, With a new desk that's not a corner desk, my room doesn't look as cramped as before!

OK .... that was like posted a while ago. I left it as a draft to continue on with it later, but never came back to it.

Anyway, busy busy busy. Always busy studying for exams coming up.
I've already had 1 exam. My Spanish listening exam on Tuesday. Thats all done. Hopefully I passed.

Next up is my High Dependency Performance Assessment on Monday, then Tuesday Spanish Oral Exam. URGH. Thinking about it now makes me stress out. I hope I'm prepared enough for everything that's about to slap me across the face.

Anyway, just keeping this short and sweet and letting everybody know that I'm still alive and kicking.
Hope everyone has a good week.

I have a picture of the desk and such, but haven't had the time to upload it! Omg so lazy.
Oh, and to keep people updated too, Seb and I are no longer a "couple". Ended a while ago. I hate boys that only want one thing from a girl, as if we're just there for a personal pleasure instead of a normal relationship. Urgh, boys. Seriously.

Until next time, hasta luego mi amigos. xoxoxoxo

Thursday 22 May 2008

i hate being sick.

Yes, damn right. I've been sick for about 3 days now. (Ever since the Norwegian march on Sunday) But, I am actually getting better. Been dosing myself with Panadol and lemon & honey in lukewarm water (yummo). Oh, and of course, plenty of bed rest, if I can actually say that. It's 00:33 (12:33AM) and I'm still awake and I know I should be sleeping because I have class tomorrow (or today, whatever tickles you fancy).

Anybody been keeping up with Eurovision? You all better be watching it!! It's good. Not only that, but because Norway is in the Semi-Finals. GO MARIA! Oh, and not only that, because Mira Craig (who writes to me on Myspace occasionally) composed the song Maria is singing! "Hold on Be Strong". Upon hearing it, you can hear her accent. Heh! I hope Mira puts it on her album, since she wrote it and all. I should pester her about it and tell her to put it on her next album! *makes mental note*

Another thing that's really bothering me, that I really really need to get ontop of:
  • Study for exams
  • Submit hospital applications on Computer Match before July 31st.

The not so important at the moment:

  • Clean room. (Recycle all unwanted junk and possibly rearrange the bed.)
  • Reformat laptop.
  • Get PO Box sorted out.
  • Get bills organised & handle the rest of my financial stuff.

That last point it badly needed since I don't actually know where all my money wonders off to. I've been meaning to split my pay so half of it goes directly into my other account (the account I don't touch!). Argh. I'm soooo freaking unorganised and it's driving me absolutely mental.
Only, because I'm a perfectionist and very highly organised and since exams have been coming up and I've been trying every single trick to avoid studying, I slack off. It's gotten to a point where the rooms a complete mess and I'm behind on study. *Slaps self*

So starting tomorrow, and all that, I'll be studying. STUDY STUDY STUDY or i'll get someone to literally kick my ass!

I guess in a way I'm disappointing myself and I don't want to disappoint myself or disappoint the parentals when they hear that I flunked my exams. NOT GOOD! Urgh, I should really get some sleep. I don't want to start messing up my sleeping pattern YET again.

So, I'm off. Cherrio, cherrio, bye bye. (Yes, that's part of a song.)

Chau chau. xoxo.

Saturday 17 May 2008

Happy Norway Day!!!!

Gratulerer med dagen!
Despite the horrid weather (rain all day), I hope all the Norwegian people in Melbourne, Australia have a safe and happy Norway Day!!
Totally wish I went to celebrate at Albert Park tonight, but unfortunately I couldn't.
BUT, I am going on the march which is tomorrow in Toorak (I think. Need to double check everything), where I will be stocking up on Norwegian flags! HURRA!
Anyway, this is short, but sweet, as I have to head off to work and then go see the boyfriend. It's our 1 month anniversary!
Chau chau. xoxo.

Saturday 10 May 2008

shops are choccas today.

so i went to work today, wondering what to do with my mothers present today.
so after work, i went home very quickly to pick up a ring that i need to get engraved.

... it's for my friend in Norway, Sandra. I told her I'd send it like last year. I've had the ring for so long already. So i got the words "Unhearted" engraved on it, in italics. "Unhearted" is a song from a band called Automatic LoveLetter.

Anyway, I don't have much else to say. I'm actually really tired right now. heh. Oh, i finally got a new pair of contacts. Since the car crash last year, I lost them, probably in the crash.

So yeah, mums present. I got her a ring from Salera's. $149. Mum wanted one from Michael Hill for $39. $39!!! Cheap ass. I'm not cheap ass. (Well, when it comes to my parents, i'm no cheap ass!), so hopefully she likes it ... *fingers crossed* (Btw, if you're going to google Salera's website, it's a really shitty made website!)

Anyway, I can't even find a picture of it on the site. It's not for sale in the catalogue and right now I can't actually be bothered. Hehehehe.

Anyway, everyone enjoy your weekend.
Happy Mothers Day for tomorrow! Give your mothers a huge hug from me. (Yes, say it's from Mary Ann, a complete stranger!)

Hasta Luego.

mothers day eve.

So I'm writing this on Mothers Day Eve. I'm surely going to be one of the many shoppers that will be running around like crazy today trying to find a present for mum. I've been thinking of what to get her. I'm suppose to surprise her but she like showed me in a catalogue what she wanted. I don't want to get it for her because she knows what it is. I really want to surprise her. Plus, I don't want to buy her some chocolates. It would be pretty stupid and she would know that I didn't put much thought into it (since mum was recently diagnosed with diabetes).

But yeah, I will figure it out.

Ok, so this is like really really short. Shortest yet, but it's almost 1am and I'm starting to ruin my sleeping pattern yet again. Hehe.

Chau chau.

Monday 5 May 2008

the burgers are better at hungry jacks...

I realised I haven't blogged in so long. Actually, I don't remember. Over a week, I think. Last time was when we went out to the gay bar.

Nothing exciting has been happening, I'm afraid. Well, that or I don't remember.
Ok, so starting from the gay club... the rest of the weekend, all I did was basically work. Work, work, work. I'm not too sure if I saw Seb between then either hah. Damn the memory is bad.
Tuesday at Spanish we had a test on Unit 4 & 5. I honestly think I messed that up completely. I was unprepared for it because i've been catching up with everything else at uni.

Then the rest of the week was just catching up with everything and working on the weekend.
I hung out with Seb on Saturday night (told the parentals I was working til around 12:30ish) and I came home at around 1am. Which, really, really, really sucked. Basically because I had to get up at 6am, to go to work at 7am - 10am with a client I hadn't worked with before. But I was getting paid double time for 3 hours ($120 for 3 hours), so of course I didn't argue with that. I then had to go to work on the Sunday night as well (instead of the Saturday night). Then basically after that, I just crashed and burned. I was sooo bummed that day. I have recently been enjoying my mornings where I can sleep in. I use to survive with only 5-6 hours sleep and feel fine, but now I've been going to bed so early and getting an extra 3-4 hours sleep and I'm loving every minute of it!!

So Monday today ... Dianne, Chinh and I went to the library after our High Dependency lab class to work on our High Dependency take home test (Due Fridayish). Chinh left us not even half way through the test. Well he had to take his mum somewhere, so he had to go. Dianne and I were left in the room (she booked a room so we can work in there). Freaking took over 4 hours to finish half the test!!
It's worth 100 marks. 50 multiple choice (which were kinda hard, freaking respiratory bullshit) and then 50 short answer questions. The short answer questions seem pretty good. A lot of the students were complaining about it though because on our Course Guide on the subject, it said that the take home test was going to be all multiple choice, so he gave us an option of just doing all of the questions on the take home test, or do a quiz online. The quiz online had to be finished in 90 minutes... Like seriously, I'd totally do the take home test. At least you get a couple of days to actually do it.

Anyway, so that's out of the way, and I'm about to go and have a shower, then organise everything for tomorrow, then go to bed. To wake up early to catch the 7:42am train to the city for breakfast and spanish! heh.

Anyway, that's all that's been happening to be honest. Nothing too exciting except study study study. Exams are freaking soon and I'm so behind on my studying!! *cries* STRESS!!!!

Hasta luego mi amigos/as.