Sunday 2 November 2008

the long wait...

So I haven't actually blogged in a long time. And I'm pretty bored right now, so I thought I'd keep myself occupied by doing this and keeping people updated on what I'm up to.

Last night was Derby day over here in Melbourne. If you guys don't know what it is ... horse racing. My friend and I, along with her friend Trung were meeting up and Crown to go watch Saw 5.

Forgetting it was Derby day and the amount of traffic, I decided to leave at around 8:40pm. (Mind you, Saw 5 was starting at 9:40...) Crown Casino was so busy. There was a massive cue for the parking lot, turns out, I had to drive all away around to the other side because the side that I was waiting for was closed. Great... I got there at around 9:25pm, and was waiting in the cue and finding a parking for 35 minutes. My foot hurt (bloody stick shift driver...) But yeah, ended up getting into the cinema at around 10pm, 20 minutes late, but that would include around 10 minutes of movie previews, so basically I only missed out on 10 minutes of the movie. By the time we sat down and all, nobody had been killed yet.

The movie was alright. I thought it would be a lot better. I guess nothing will beat Saw 1 & 2.

Anyway, the long wait has finally settled in.

I have finished my last exam. I had that on Friday. Mind you, it was pretty hard ... But it's the long dreaded wait I'm scared of, and if I failed anything.
We've been so busy getting a grad year prepared and everything, (I got into Maroondah Hospital, Ringwood East ... Wooo East Side...) and then finding out that I failed something would be absolutely devestating. I have a feeing that I'll be safe though. The family and child health was pretty alright. So hopefully I got enough to pass and Transcultural Nursing, hopefully I passed that one too.

I know I already passed Oncology. I got my results for that already. And my Clinical rotation. It's just my other 3 subjects, which is Transcultural Nursing, Family & Child Health and Professional Studies 2. Proff. Studies was a bitch. That thesis we had to write. URGH. Don't even get me started on that piece of shit. Seriously. I don't think I've ever stressed out over a paper EVER.

I just hope I pass so I can actually graduate. I hate being the black sheep of the family if I don't pass. :( Fuck, that would suck so bad. After all that hard work in trying to organise everything for Graduation, only to cancel it and shit. *sigh*

Anyway, I don't actually know what else to say because nothing much has been happening ... or has it? I'll probably update this when I think of other stuff that I've been doing. I just thought of something about eating at Taco Bill, but that will be for next time. This headache is driving me mad.

Friday 10 October 2008


someone tell me to stop.

i can't help it. :(
Anyway, what's new in October? NOTHING!
A few things are happening thing month though.

  • Exams / Assignments
  • Graduate year results.
  • Graduation.

Should be fun fun fun.

I have a couple of parties to hit up tomorrow. My cousins 21st and then Soulclap anniversary. WOO! Should be a blast!

Anyway, thats all for now. I'm waaaay too lazy.

Tuesday 30 September 2008

13 weeks til Christmas.

My gawd, how this year has flown past. Usually just before the new year kicks in, I tend to sit down and reflect on the past year. My acheivements, losses, memorable days and days I wished never happened. At the same time, I'm a year older, a year wiser, more excited that my life is molding into how I want it to be.
There's still so many things I plan on doing before "settling" down. Doubt I would. Ha. I want to learn as much as I can, although they say we never stop learning. I'd still like to learn and see everything in this world before it's my time to go (hopefully not soon *knock on wood*)

So in other news. My vegetarianism, has given me problems off and on. Well, pesca-vegetarian, if we must say. On good days, I'm fine and I can continue on with my day normally. On other days, I can't find the energy to get up. I get tired really early and I can't concentrate properly. Urgh. I use to get very sick when I was a full vegetarian. One dietician actually told me to try pesca-vegetarianism, which only included eating fish and no other meat. Took a while to actually convince me to try it, but I did. Only because Omega 3 pills were completely useless to me and had little or no great effect what-so-ever. So fish, has been ... hmm, ok. On ocassion, I can still feel myself growing very tired, very early. It never use to bother me, but now, it slightly is.
I can't afford to start feeling like this when exams and assignments are due so soon. Urgh, oh well. I will pull through.

So today, nothing much planned. Uni. Boring, but that's basically it. I should really start with assignments. Well, my final paper should be on the top of my priority list, but I've been slacking off way too much in my final semester of my final university year. I don't think I can afford to do that right? Right.
A change of plans have occured and I will be cleaning my room first (spring cleaning), since I can't really start studying and concentrating, knowing that my room is a pigsty. I would do it after this blog, but I plan on early studying. Oh my. Screw the cleaning, that can wait. (Yes, I'm slowly finding the motivation to start studying instead of last minute studying!) I'm planning a month ahead I guess, when I know I should of planned a while back, but I've given myself plenty of time to indulge myself in my oh so entertaining unversity books. Gag.

So, I'm off to make myself another cup of tea and study away.

Happy 21st Natalie. My gorgeous cousin is all grown up! Seems like only yesterday we were only little kids running around like crazy people and playing with barbies.

Happy Two Weeks. :) xoxoxoxo

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Uni is a whore.

Eek, so I'm awake at 8 (yer yer, 8:22AM, shut up). I fell asleep pretty early. Maybe all that "cleaning" I was doing yesterday really wore me out. Hah. And I'm not even finished. Maybe I'm like half way there. I don't know.

So, I only have 2 more assignments that I need to do:
  • Oncology and Palliative Care Nursing (Thursday)
  • Professional Studies 2, Assignment 2

Go me. So not motivated at all. The weather is stupid. Won't make up it's damn mind about being a shitty or good day. Right now, it's borderline. The suns out, but it will go in about 10 seconds. *waits 10 seconds*. Nope, still here, but it will go.

Apart from that, I have the sniffles. But I guess they're getting better.

I still see small penis around in the city. That's not fun at all. I hate seeing ex's around. I haven't seen any of the ex's around, except for him and his small dick. *nods* It's retarded. Too much drama with him. So over it.

Anyway, this is short and sweet. I haven't updated for yonkers. But it shall get better I hope. Hah. Meh. Whatevz.

Happy One Week. =)

Hope you all had a good weekend and all that bullshiz. Ciao ciao.

Thursday 4 September 2008

41 days.

So, yesterday marked 40 days of my grandfathers death. Apparently, this plays a really big part in the Filipino community. The scariest thing my friend D said was that on the 40th day of death, the spirit of the person that died, actually comes back (a ghost) and wonders around. She was telling me, that her grandfather was walking around the streets in the Philippines on his 40th day of death and that her mother and her brother both heard his footsteps walking up the stairs.

It actually made me think. If grandpa was to come back on the 40th day of death, what would I hear? Then I was thinking of funny things that he use to do. Dragging his slippers on the floor when he walked, talking a leak outside in the wee early hours of the morning, his dentures clicking together everytime he chewed his food? Those were the days. And I'll miss them.
- But all in all. I didn't hear anything. I fell asleep straight away when I got home (which was like past 12 or something. I can't remember). My cousins Natalie, John and I were watching Sister Act, but we started getting super tired and decided to head home. I also got my computer that Leonard built for me (John's brother).

But yeah, one of the reasons why I decided to write was because of the mass at Johns place. In particular, the boy/man who held the mass, along with his 3 youth workers (all very young teens! 1 boy, 2 girls).
Anyway, funnily enough, the boy/man (young male adult??) who lead the mass, went to Primary School with me. We were in the same year level and he was a close friend of mine back in the days. I was completely taken aback that he decided to change his career path and choose to become a Brother. Don't get me wrong. I'm not against it. I just never pictured him becoming a brother. I think it's awesome that he chose that path. I, being a born and raised Catholic, never really understood the Bible Studies and such. Hopefully, he'll bring me back down and help me understand more.

So yeah, I spoke to the 2 youth girls, Rachel and Nathalie. The boy was pretty quiet. Had no clue who he was. Hah. Nathalie was the biggest crack up with her random question "Is Latin a language?". And she wants to be a nun? It was funny, but yeah, they got my number (no, I'm not like that). They got my number to tell me to go to their youth group ... in DEER PARK!? I kinda had to double think it through because Deer Park is a fair way from where I am. And considering that I have to work on the Sundays and their youth is every 1st and 4th Sunday of the month at 1 - 4pm. I don't think I would be able to go, since I usually finish work at around 1pm. It would take me like 45 minutes or more to get there, and with petrol prices still a bit retarded, I still don't know. I might join the youths in my area, well since the church is like a 15 minute walk from my house.

But yeah, other than that. Assignments are stupid and I hate them. So, things that I need to get ontop of:
  1. Family and Child Health (Paedieatric Nursing) Assignment. (September 9)
  2. Transcultural (Cultural Diveristy) Assignment. (September 12)
  3. Oncology and Palliative Care Assignment. (September 25)
  4. Professional Studies 2 Assignment 2.
  5. Apply for Graduation.

Gah, so many things to do and I can't find the motivation to do it. But now, I have to force myself to. Before it's too late and I find I'm staying up at night doing it.

Sunday 31 August 2008

For You.

So, yeah this is for someone. I think they know who they are. Bwahaha. Well, because I told them? =/

If I could have just one wish,I would wish to wake up everydayto the sound of your breath on my neck,the warmth of your lips on my cheek,the touch of your fingers on my skin,and the feel of your heart beating with mine...Knowing that I could never find that feelingwith anyone other than you.
- Courtney Kuchta -

A Wish
I lie on the ground,and stare into space,the stars start to move,into the shape of your face.
I see you there now,looking down at me,with that cute little smile,that I like to see.
You say "close your eyes","tell me what you see",I see only two people,just you and me.
We're walking the shoreline,with our feet getting wet,the horizon turns pink,as the sun starts to set.
We make love through the night,on that white sandy shore,then I hold you while thinking,I could want nothing more.
Oh I wish I could be,in that one special place,as I lie on the ground,and I stare into space...
- Randy Schutte -

Tuesday 26 August 2008

updates are lacking ...

I know, I know.
I've been hiding somewhere. I don't know where. =/

Anyway, this is my final week of my clinical rotation and I'm loving every minute of it. Some guy this morning had a biopsy done and I got to scrub in. He had this massive lump, which we (surgeons, myself and the other scrub nurse) were able to feel outside on his skin. Once the surgeon (who was the most awesomest ... if that's even a word these days CHICK ever!) She cut the man open, and even let me put my hand inside to actually feel the lump. Inside the patient like waaah, it was freaking awesome, saw intestines, twice today.
That was the first surgery, the 2nd, was a resection of the duodeum or something and they pulled the intestines out (not physically), just to look underneath it. It was pretty awesome stuff.

Other than that, it's my grandpa's 1 month anniversary of death. I didn't have time to go to the cemetery, since my clinical rotation time is basically 8am - 5pm. Plus today I had to put one of my spinal patients to bed. I'm so tired right now. I'm just in bed writing an update, since I haven't in a while (like a proper update) and after, I'll do my pharmacology log and stuff for my last appraisal for Thursday.

Funny about clinicals. My clinical teachers name is Andrew. And he knows my cousin, because he's an ICU (Intensive Care Unit) nurse. Funny stuff.

Hmm what else has been happening .. hmm. Friday, Dianne and I went out. Well she invited me out to have dinner with her and her friend Rikki (boy). So she picked me up and we went to Melbourne Central to meet him. Stupidly enough, he was "tipsy" (tipsy = drunk). It wasn't ANY fun at all. It ended up he wanted Dianne to give him a lift to his house. He paid for dinner, which Dianne and I weren't cool about, so we gave him money and shit and he was being a stupid drunk asshole and Dianne cracked the shits and was like "You know what? I'm not fucking taking you home", and pretty much just stormed off. It was pretty awesome, since I've never really seen D crack like that. Whoo hoo!

So yeah, we ended up walking around the city, and some girl gave us a pass to this club and I swear to God, she was Norwegian!! hah
Meh, thhhheeenn, we had a craving for ice cream, but the one at Melbourne Central was closed. We decided to drive to Lygon Street in search for ice cream. Heh.

D called her friend Jerlyn and we went to pick her up, since she lives in the city anyway. She was "babysitting". I put it like that because she was looking after her 16 year old nephew. Haha. So we picked them up and went driving to find ice cream.
We eventually found it and this waiter was Canadian and was suuuuuper cute. Looked a little like Ben Lee. But yeah, he got my order wrong, but we don't blame him. He was new. heh.

Ok, well I'm going to leave it at this because I'm suuuper tired and I still have a lot of things to do.

Oh oh, and belated Happy Birthday to Cathy boo. (I'm sowwie!)

Ciao. xoxoxoxoxo

Thursday 14 August 2008

it's been a while...

Yes, so I know it's been a while since I've last written. Of course mourning the death of my grandpa has hit pretty hard. Especially if you're a very emotional/sensitive person like myself.

So I've been taking it a bit hard, but taking every day as it comes.

Right now, I've just finished the 2nd week of my clinical rotation. I have another 2 weeks left.
Apart from that, I've been doing my assignments, hanging out with friends, working ... etc etc.

That's basically about it as well.

So this is just a very quick note that I'm still around. You're more than welcome to email me and tell me to update haha.

Hope everyone has a good week / weekend!

Saturday 26 July 2008

Mourning the loss of my gandpa.

Short but sweet.

My grandpa Victor passed away this morning (26th July 2008) at 7:30AM.
I might be updating during this week. Just letting you know I'll be busy with uni, applications and of course, mourning with my family.

I love my grandpa very much and it's devastating to see him go. Please keep him in your prayers and that he may rest in peace.

Victor, we love you! Rest In Peace grandpa. =[