Tuesday 23 September 2008

Uni is a whore.

Eek, so I'm awake at 8 (yer yer, 8:22AM, shut up). I fell asleep pretty early. Maybe all that "cleaning" I was doing yesterday really wore me out. Hah. And I'm not even finished. Maybe I'm like half way there. I don't know.

So, I only have 2 more assignments that I need to do:
  • Oncology and Palliative Care Nursing (Thursday)
  • Professional Studies 2, Assignment 2

Go me. So not motivated at all. The weather is stupid. Won't make up it's damn mind about being a shitty or good day. Right now, it's borderline. The suns out, but it will go in about 10 seconds. *waits 10 seconds*. Nope, still here, but it will go.

Apart from that, I have the sniffles. But I guess they're getting better.

I still see small penis around in the city. That's not fun at all. I hate seeing ex's around. I haven't seen any of the ex's around, except for him and his small dick. *nods* It's retarded. Too much drama with him. So over it.

Anyway, this is short and sweet. I haven't updated for yonkers. But it shall get better I hope. Hah. Meh. Whatevz.

Happy One Week. =)

Hope you all had a good weekend and all that bullshiz. Ciao ciao.


Anonymous said...

You and Dianne are passing it along like the plague!

Anonymous said...

Ewww that's creep seeing your exs around. Must be really annoying having to avoid them D: