Wednesday 25 June 2008

4 more sleeps until my biiiiirthday!!


22. what an old fart! but i'm pretty excited!!
I seriously need a new laptop. I've been thinking of getting a mac, but a macpro is like $2699 over here and I was thinking of getting one with a norwegian keyboard. The laptop I have right now (Compaq) came with a normal keyboard, but i bought a norwegian laptop keyboard from ebay and put it on here. I find it easier to type with heh.

But then if I buy a mac, its like $1499 i think, but I'm not too sure if i can get a norwegian latop keyboard on ebay for that mac. I know for a macpro there is because i've looked it up. Hmm, the choices. I don't even know why I'm thinking of getting one. I'm broke as a joke. I guess I can dream, since it is my birthday soon.

I already know I'm getting new glasses from my parents. Because I told them, that's what I wanted lol. But I think there's another surprise in there aswell, which mum isn't telling me.
I wish it's a trip to Norway. Haha. Damn, I have my hopes too high. I highly doubt it will be that.

Soooooo, last week of clinical rotation, woooooo!
It's been ok. I've never seen so many nurses bitch about each other in the ward I'm in (Unit D - Vascular/Colorectal), but it shall pass.
I try not to get too involved in drama. I have weird anger management issues. It will turn into a bloody massacre if I unleashed my anger (hence how I got the nick name massacre!)

But that's pretty much all that has been happening. Just clinicals and working and getting overexcited about my birthday.

So now, I'm off because I need to sleep and go to work in the morning. Hehe.

Ciao ciao :]

P.S - Thanks my little squishy about the canker sore info. I've never actually heard the word "canker" before lol. Learn something new everyday they say! :] xoxo

Friday 20 June 2008

mouth ulcers suck x 1000000

ok, so yes, i have a mouth ulcer. Actually, make that 2! (Nooo, I haven't been kissing anyone with a mouth ulcer!) ... hah. I usually get these mouth ulcers when I stress too much. (Mouth Stress ulcer?) I don't know. Maybe because of clinicals and I have to know ALLLLLL the drugs that I have to give, otherwise I'll get a warning, then 2nd time, I'll fail. And I really really really don't want to fail. I really can't AFFORD to fail!

Anyway, week one of clinicals have been alright. By Monday next week, I'll be taking a full patient load (4 patients) for the next 2 weeks. I have to know their drugs and when our clinical teachers come around, we have to tell them, what each drug is. i.e Heparin is an anticoagulant, used to prevent or to treat thromboembolic disorder, yada yada yada. Then we have to know the doses and the side effects and most likely which drugs it can't be given with. i.e Heparin cannot be given with antihistamines, digoxin ... yada yada.

I only use Heparin as an example because that's pretty much all I know. Haha, no no, not really. I know a couple of others, well the other anticoagulant drugs, but I have to know like SOOOO many. Some of the patients, especially a patient load will probably have more than 20 drugs all together. Maybe less, if they're all getting roughly the same type of drug, but I'll be spending my weekend working and studying. YAYAYAYAY! ... NOT!

Anyway, I guess in a way it will keep me pretty busy, so that should be alright. :]

Other than that, the ulcers are pissing me off BIG TIME right now. It just hurts and I'm trying not to fuss/stress over it otherwise I'll get more. They've gone down a bit which is really really good. Mouth ulcers usually go within a week, but when I don't dress and relax more, it goes within 3 days.

Anyway, I was reading about it and it got all these like sexually transmitted diseases lololol, and I literally laughed my ass off. I haven't been doing ANY of them. *puts hand on bible* I ain't that nasty! Heheh!! Still gives me the giggles just thinking about it!

Anyway, that's been my life the past couple of days, nothing too major. Pretty boringggg. The weathers been shit, until today, with only a few clouds, but I can finally see the blue sky and the suns come out. Not all shitty and raining like before.

I hope everyone's having a good week, and that you all have a safe weekend!!


Monday 16 June 2008

i survived day one of torture.

Today worked out to be a pretty good day. A day of sitting down doing nothing really. Just basic orientation.
I got dumped into the Vascular / Colorectal Ward. Mmm yummy. I don't actually mind it too much. Seems pretty alright. I guess I won't get an insight on what the staff is like until I start tomorrow. It should be alright, otherwise the next ... 2 weeks will be a fucking nightmare.
Thank God, we get Friday off. I can WORK! I need the money. Like bad. Money money money. Must be funny. In a rich mans world. ... Hmm, it probably is. Probably use dollar bills to wipe their asses.

Anyway, I got a new printer today. Well, technically DAD got me a new printer because he's sending my own overseas, along with my beloved keyboard. I need money to go send money to a friend in Norway to get me a Norwegian keyboard. I'm used to the Norwegian layout and I'd like to stick with it. Heh.

I'm rearranging my room... for the 10 millionth time. Hopefully when I'm done it will look like I have more space.

Anyway, this was just a quick note before I head off that I survived today, and I'm pretty darn tooting happy about it. I thought I wasn't. And I'm like really really tired. So I'm going to quickly rearrange this room, have a shower and I'll probably call it a night.

Mmm tofu.


my laptop goes "vroom vroom"!

It's true. My old shitty laptop is still the greatest thing in the world to me.

Last night I just reformatted my god old laptop, so everything now is working faster than the speed of light!!! Plus, it was the first time I ever formatted by myself!

Well, I'm up pretty early because it's now Day 1 of clinical rotation and I'm getting ready. Got a bit of a headache because I don't think I fell asleep until past midnight and I got up at around 6:50AMish. Not really looking forward to it, or maybe I am. We'll just to wait and see to be honest.

I have to ask this girl to give me back my fucking text book. Since we're on clinical, I'd better get it. Seriously. Their group is messed up. I just hope that I'm in a good ward. There's like 4 wards (Unit A, B, C, D) and there's like 16 of us. 4 in each. Not too bad.

Anyway, this is going to be pretty quick because I'm in the middle of getting ready to leave and I need to have some breakie in me before I leave, so I can at least make it through the day. I can go to Epping Plaza afterwards ... YAY! The downside ... with no money? No yay!?

Anyway, I'll probably update this again really soon. Maybe later on if I can. To tell you about today.


Wednesday 11 June 2008

bankrupt broke. i hate money and bills.

this blog post is me venting out my frustrations with money and bills. so be prepared, it may be pretty long.

the fact that since i got paid last week (i get paid on a fortnightly basis), i have not touched ANY of that money or even seen it. And now, it's all gone to bills. bills bills bills. i have 2 phones that i pay off. both are around ... hmm $100 combined, not seperate. then i have gym, which is taken from my account automatically. and now i have a fucking physiotheraphy bullshit session i have to make up for because i actually forgot i had an appointment last week. (too busy with studying to even care about physio). tomorrow is deff. my last physio. fuck that. $70 for an hour is just a fucking waste, especially since now i'm all better and the cunt just wants to take money from me to perform a "checkup".

i seriously hate bills and the money i earn. i mean, hey, yeah it might not seem a lot, but because i'm studying at the same time, i possibly can't work more .. (or can i) and one of my clients (i work with paraplegics) was fucking nice enough to not even tell me she wasn't back from the hospital. work told me i start working back with her on the 25th of may. it's not the 11th of june and she's not back. so she wasted my time when i woke up at 7:30AM to get ready and go to work at 8:30AM. to my surprise, she wasn't even there. i could of slept in!

i deff. need the money right now.

i even have a party to go to on Saturday ( and YES, i have to go!) it's my friends birthday. having it at a gay club, because .. go figure, he's gay. haha. so i have to put at least $10 aside for a present. (joint present with dianne). free entry before 11pm. so deff. have to get there before 11pm!

i remember writing an entry a while ago about my financial problems and this is one of those times where i don't listen to myself and i stress out when times like this occur. this time, i didn't even touch any of my money ... it just disappeared due to bills.

work is getting annoying. i seriously want to work more to earn more, but at the same time i get a bit lazy and i prefer more shifts with the clients i already have now, instead of someone new.

ok, other than that, exams. i still have another 3 left. (one of the is after clinical rotation), so basically i have 2. thursday and friday. yay ... not.

with this whole bullshit bill randomly popping up, i'm shitting myself because of the lack of money that i may have trying to pay the piece of shit off, or maybe not. i get paid on the thursday, not tomorrow, next thursday and that bill is due on the 23rd. yeah it takes like .... 3 business days to get there, but omg i'm totally struggling on money issues. I NEED TO SAVE. and that client of mine better get back soon! My money issues were fine before she went to stay at the hospital. (nothing wrong with her, just the person she lives with had an operation and he was the one that took care of her).

it's just so frustrating with money and where it all goes. i mean, even being a freaking vegetarian, i'm still broke. what's going on?!?!?! that and we seriously need more vegan restaurants here. maybe i should totally franchise one from the states, but oh wait, i need money for that. vegan food isn't even that expensive.
yes, i said vegan. i know i'm a vegetarian (Pescatarian Vegetarian to be exact) ... which means i dont eat meat, but i eat fish. i need my omega-3 you know and i won't be feeding my body vitamin pills, or can i? blackmores omega 3 pills? i have some. haha. that's an idea. *writes it down*. Anyway, yes, i am a vegetarian, but i do eat vegan food. pretty darn yummy stuff! like i said we need more vegan places over here. they dont seem to coexist over here.

mum always finds it so hard to figure out what she's going to be making for me to eat, but i told her to not worry so much about making me anything meatless (since mum and dad aren't vegetarians), and i told my mum that i'll just make my own munchies. i don't want mum getting a headache with figuring out vegetarian/vegan dishes just for me. she's got enough problems on her plate and i don't need to put my vegetarian problems on her haha. plus, vegetarian dishes are pretty easy. for a person that cannot cook to save her life (and i have to cook for a client at work. bless god for his dear little head for not complaining on my lack of cooking skills in the kitchen. they will, however, get better!), i'm actually surprise my parents, my clients and myself allow me to step into a kitchen.

anyway, i should really head off and start studying again. i only decided to post because i got my bill (which i realised is a joint bill from last month) hence why that bill alone was $100. my other bill for the other phone reached $82 because i went over my limited amount, due to sebastian, who we will never speak of again! that sad sad satyriasis (females are nymphomaniacs) can go and be the sad satyriasis boy that he is, get prostate cancer and ill go see him and laugh in his face. serves the guy right for because a styriasis head.

anyway, best be off now. for real. haha. this is a damn damn damn long entry. hope you enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoyed letting my frustration out.


Friday 6 June 2008

something new.

Anyway, nothing big, but I've changed my profile on blogger. Weee. It's not longer "m3zz massacre". I think I've lost most of you. A lot of your are probably sitting there reading and thinking to yourself ... "wtf is she talking about?" Like I said, it's nothing big.

On your right you will see "View Complete Profile". All I'm saying is that I've changed the person on there. Well, it's still me. Duh, obviously. But yeah.

I shouldn't even be on here. Time is short people and my exams aren't going to be answering themselves if I don't study. Plus, I have work. Bummer bummer bummer. But I seriously need money money money. Just like Mischa Barton does right about now.

Thursday 5 June 2008

random ramblings.

Hmm, it's seriously been a while. A long long while since the last time I decided to blog.

I know. I know. You're all looking for an excuse.

And of course. It's exam season (or should I say time? What's happening to my English!?!?). I've been in the study mode for a while, which I'm loving. I've already done my Spanish Listening Exam, my Spanish Oral Exam and my High Dependency Performance Assessment. So, right now. I only have another 4 exams to go. Yes I know. I had 7 exams this semester. Bummer and sad to say I did slack off a lot, as well. But hopefully, this studying mode won't leave me until AFTER my exams. But of course, I have to defer one of my exams (Spanish Written Exam) to another date because it clashes with my Clinical Rotation at the hospital. But it should all be fine.
Been busy trying to decide on my Graduation as well with what hospitals I want to apply for to work next year. I just hope I do get a Grad. placement and if I don't ... then oh well. What can you do ...

I just wanted to let peope know what I've been up to. Haha. And that I haven't run off and forgotten about this blog. This is probably the longest I've ever kept an online blog. It's great writing a journal again. I found my old journal and was reading back to it. I first started in 1999. Almost 10 years ago. From that, I took a break in 2005. Probably 2 years I think. And now I've started again. I have been printing off my entries and sticking them into a journal book (continuing my old one), which is pretty good.

I hope everyone is fine.
Oh and NO BOYS right now. I'm so sick of them at the moment. They don't understand girls at all. I think I know why girls turn into lesbians!! (Not implying that I will become one! =P)

Anyway, yes. From the other entry about the TO DO things. Stuff still hasn't been done.
The financial thing is a MUST now for sure and I got paid yesterday and I know for certain all of that will be gone in a week, due to paying off bills and maybe just enough for the petrol. Petrol prices are ABSOLUTELY SHOCKING! I remember years ago when it was only around 60 cents a litre, now $1.58 a litre. Like seriously. I'm not made from money and I have to work hard *cough* at work to pay the bills. Hah.
But oh well. That's life. Maybe if I made money off the net. Hehehe. Would be a bit of a help. I have one a site that does, but c'mon. 60 cents a month pay? I don't think so Mr. 60 cents won't even get me a Chuppa Chup lollypop at Safeway (Woolworths for some) or Coles. Even with a staff discount card, it won't make a difference!!

I'll leave it at this now. Parentals are cooking. It's starting to smell. My stomach has made the cue to go see what's up and to eat the place down. =)

Hasta la vista (baby!).