Sunday 2 November 2008

the long wait...

So I haven't actually blogged in a long time. And I'm pretty bored right now, so I thought I'd keep myself occupied by doing this and keeping people updated on what I'm up to.

Last night was Derby day over here in Melbourne. If you guys don't know what it is ... horse racing. My friend and I, along with her friend Trung were meeting up and Crown to go watch Saw 5.

Forgetting it was Derby day and the amount of traffic, I decided to leave at around 8:40pm. (Mind you, Saw 5 was starting at 9:40...) Crown Casino was so busy. There was a massive cue for the parking lot, turns out, I had to drive all away around to the other side because the side that I was waiting for was closed. Great... I got there at around 9:25pm, and was waiting in the cue and finding a parking for 35 minutes. My foot hurt (bloody stick shift driver...) But yeah, ended up getting into the cinema at around 10pm, 20 minutes late, but that would include around 10 minutes of movie previews, so basically I only missed out on 10 minutes of the movie. By the time we sat down and all, nobody had been killed yet.

The movie was alright. I thought it would be a lot better. I guess nothing will beat Saw 1 & 2.

Anyway, the long wait has finally settled in.

I have finished my last exam. I had that on Friday. Mind you, it was pretty hard ... But it's the long dreaded wait I'm scared of, and if I failed anything.
We've been so busy getting a grad year prepared and everything, (I got into Maroondah Hospital, Ringwood East ... Wooo East Side...) and then finding out that I failed something would be absolutely devestating. I have a feeing that I'll be safe though. The family and child health was pretty alright. So hopefully I got enough to pass and Transcultural Nursing, hopefully I passed that one too.

I know I already passed Oncology. I got my results for that already. And my Clinical rotation. It's just my other 3 subjects, which is Transcultural Nursing, Family & Child Health and Professional Studies 2. Proff. Studies was a bitch. That thesis we had to write. URGH. Don't even get me started on that piece of shit. Seriously. I don't think I've ever stressed out over a paper EVER.

I just hope I pass so I can actually graduate. I hate being the black sheep of the family if I don't pass. :( Fuck, that would suck so bad. After all that hard work in trying to organise everything for Graduation, only to cancel it and shit. *sigh*

Anyway, I don't actually know what else to say because nothing much has been happening ... or has it? I'll probably update this when I think of other stuff that I've been doing. I just thought of something about eating at Taco Bill, but that will be for next time. This headache is driving me mad.